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蓝箭航天称,朱雀一号发射升空后,一二级工作正常,三级出现异常。这枚火箭搭载着央视的一颗商业卫星。The first-ever attempt by a private Chinese company to send a rocket into space has failed in an increasingly heated competi



The first-ever attempt by a private Chinese company to send a rocket into space has failed in an increasingly heated competition between commercial space start-ups.


On Saturday, Beijing-based start-up LandSpace said “something abnormal happened after the second stage” of launching its Zhuque-1 rocket from a national launch site in the Gobi desert. The rocket, named after a mythological Chinese phoenix, had been carrying a commercial satellite for state broadcaster CCTV.


Despite its doomed trajectory, the red-and-white rocket reflects the increased blurring between China’s private and state-led hardware companies as the country enlists the private sector to develop globally competitive dual-use technologies.


Closer ties between civilian and military efforts form part of a sweeping military modernisation drive initiated by Chinese president Xi Jinping that has already shaken up the People’s Liberation Army, China’s fighting force.


So-called “civil military fusion” has been most apparent in the space industry. Until recently, only Chinese state-owned firms were permitted to build, launch and operate satellites. In 2014, new rules began allowing private companies to participate.


“Private companies have more flexible and advanced mechanisms, and it will be a win-win situation to combine our technological base with their flexibility and lower costs,” Fu Zhimin, chief engineer at China Aerospace science and industry Corp, China’s top space and defence contractor, told state media last month.


Since 2014, a handful of private Chinese space start-ups, almost entirely operated by former employees of state defence contractors, have popped up. At stake is a $420bn commercial space industry centring around the lucrative business of sending small commercial satellites used by telecoms companies and research institutions.


However, critics say that Chinese interest in the commercial space sector dovetails with state goals to provide China with its own secure communications and a global positioning system (GPS) infrastructure in parallel to those owned by foreign companies.


“If you build the satellite and encryption, you will have access to the encryption,” explained Keith Hayward, former head of research at the Royal Aeronautical Society in the UK.

“如果你造卫星和发展加密技术,你就可以使用加密,”英国皇家航空学会(Royal Aeronautical Society)前研究主管凯斯?海沃德(Keith Hayward)解释道。

LandSpace’s failed launch comes on the heels of China’s first two suborbital rocket launches, meaning the rockets entered space but did not complete a revolution around Earth.


On September 5, start-up iSpace became the first Chinese start-up to launch a suborbital rocket. only two days later, Chinese launch start-up OneSpace, which counts among its backers state defence contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China, successfully completed its first suborbital rocket launch.


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