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如果你看到所谓的英国八所大学联合拒招中国留学生的新闻,那么请忽略它。因为,这是一则不实消息。The British Council, an organization specializing in international cultural and educational opportunities in the UK, jointly issue



The British Council, an organization specializing in international cultural and educational opportunities in the UK, jointly issued an announcement with eight British universities on Monday, dispelling rumors that these universities would not accept students from non-elite Chinese universities.


“The UK welcomes students from any country, including China, to study here. International students have injected vitality in British academic research, as well as making great contribution to the diversity of British society. No limitation will be applied to international students who meet the universities’ entrance requirement,” read the announcement.


The rumors, which have circulated on Chinese social media for the past few weeks, noted that eight UK universities, including Durham university and the Queen Mary University of London, have established new entrance requirements, rejecting students from less prominent Chinese universities.

过去几周在中国社交媒体上流传的谣言称,包括杜伦大学(Durham University)和玛丽皇后大学(Queen Mary University of London)在内的八所英国大学已经制定了新的入学要求,拒收来自中国不太知名大学的学生。

“It is common for UK universities to have a preference for students graduating from elite Chinese universities, but students from non-elite Chinese universities can also enter UK universities as long as they meet the requirements,” Stacy Luo, a Beijing-based educational consultant, told People’s Daily Online.


Chinese authorities launched their Double Top University Plan in 2015, including over 40 universities and 100 individual university departments, to develop them into world-class universities and disciplines by the end of 2050. Such categorization has thus become an evaluation criterion for foreign universities to assess the academic performance of Chinese students.


The eight universities have also expressed their willingness to accept Chinese students, as long as they meet the entrance requirement.


The United Kingdom remains the top choice for Chinese students seeking overseas education, despite growing uncertainties stemming from Brexit and the UK’s tightening policies. according to China Daily, in the 2016-17 academic year, UK universities welcomed 95,090 Chinese students, by far the most significant international student cohort. In comparison, the UK welcomed 17,580 students from the United States, the country’s second biggest overseas student group.


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