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US sex education is decades behind other countries. Right now, it isnt even mandatory in every state. Add to that the awkwardness people feel about sex and bodies in general, top it with the idea of having to have t

US sex education is decades behind other countries. Right now, it isn’t even mandatory in every state. add to that the awkwardness people feel about sex and bodies in general, top it with the idea of having to have these discussions in public, and what you get is a system that’s devolved into a total mess.


It’s no wonder 84 percent of teens look for health information online. The problem there is that a lot of the answers they come across — about everything from STIs to puberty to pregnancy to sexual orientation — are often just plain wrong.


Naturally, tech wants to find a solution.



That’s how Planned Parenthood created Roo, a sex ed chatbot that encourages teenagers to ask all of their potentially uncomfortable sex-related without ever revealing their identity.


To build Roo, Ambreen Molitor, senior director of the Digital product Lab at Planned Parenthood, first interviewed Brooklyn high school students about their online habits and what they would want out of a bot that talked to them about everything from safe sex to coming out. Her team discovered that above all, “teens really wanted to be anonymous.”

美国计划生育协会数码产品实验室高级主管Ambreen Molitor为了开发Roo,首先调查了布鲁克林高中生的上网习惯,以及他们在和机器人程序聊天时想获得什么信息,包括安全性行为、出柜等所有问题。她的团队发现最重要的问题是“青少年真的希望匿名”。

“Sometimes they didn’t feel comfortable talking to the community around them or in the sex ed classrooms. But also online, because more often than not, Gen Z’s teens in general are very aware that when you’re searching on Google, you’re being cookie’d. They’re very cognizant of what they type into the browser or the search query — which is really unique.”



  • 本文标签:
  • 性教育app
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