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As of 12:30 a.m. on Saturday, the rescue operation ended with six people rescuedfive have been confirmed dead and one person is receiving medical treatment, local media released.Updated at 7:20 a.m. BJTFour people died a

As of 12:30 a.m. on Saturday, the rescue operation ended with six people rescued – five have been confirmed dead and one person is receiving medical treatment, local media released.

Updated at 7:20 a.m. BJT

Four people died after a three-story building collapsed in Shanghai's Jiading district on Friday afternoon, Xinhua reported citing local officials.

As of 10:00 p.m. on Friday, four out of the six rescued people died after receiving medical treatment.

The incident happened at around 3:50 p.m. on Friday.

Rescue operation and an investigation into the cause of the accident are underway.


Rescue scene at the site of the incident on Jul 21, 2017. /VCG Photo

Updated at 7:40 p.m. BJT

Two people were killed and one child was rescued after a building in Shanghai's Jiading district collapsed on Friday afternoon.

According to reports, the two adults died en route to the hospital. 

The rescued child is currently receiving medical treatment. 

  • 本文标签:
  • 上海建筑倒塌事故
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