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Not even a nearly $40 billion divorce can topple Amazon (AMZN) founder and CEO Jeff Bezos from being the world's richest person.离婚分给前妻近400亿美元也没有影响亚马逊创始人兼首席执行官杰夫贝佐斯世界首富的地位。For t

Not even a nearly $40 billion divorce can topple Amazon (AMZN) founder and CEO Jeff Bezos from being the world's richest person.


For the third year in a row, Bezos landed the top spot on Forbes' rank of global billionaires. His net worth fell $18 billion last year to $113 billion, according to Forbes, partially due to his high-profile split from MacKenzie Bezos. Amazon's stock rose 15% last year, helping offset some of that loss.


MacKenzie Bezos also made her first appearance on the list, thanks to the $38 billion divorce settlement. As part of the settlement, she got 25% of the couple's Amazon stock. She now ranks 22nd on Forbes' list.


Forbes revealed the 34th edition of list Tuesday. The list takes into account some of the coronavirus pandemic, which has thrown global markets into a panic over the past few months. For the first half of March, 226 people lost their billionaire status and there are 58 fewer billionaires compared to the same time last year. In total, Forbes counted 2,095 billionaires.


"Of the billionaires who remain, 51% are poorer than they were last year. In raw terms, the world's billionaires are worth $8 trillion, down $700 billion from 2019," Forbes said.


Microsoft (MSFT) cofounder Bill Gates is in second place with a $98 billion fortune, an increase of $1.5 billion. Bernard Arnault, chairman and CEO of luxury magnate LVMH (LVMHF), nudged Warren Buffett out of third place with a $76 billion fortune. At $67.5 billion, Buffett's fortune landed in fourth place.


The world's richest woman continues to be Walmart (WMT) heir Alice Walton. She's in ninth place with $54.4 billion.


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  • 亚马逊 贝佐斯
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