R&B巨星R. Kelly再次被指控性侵 开始陪审团甄选

R&B超级明星R. Kelly正面一连串的性侵指控,这些指控来自美国多个州。由于纽约联邦法院开始甄选陪审团,R. Kelly于周一现身法庭。

Jury selection begins in R. Kelly sex abuse case R&B superstar R. Kelly, who faces a battery of sex abuse charges in several US states, appeared in court Monday as jury selection began in his federal New York trial.

R&B超级明星R. Kelly正面一连串的性侵指控,这些指控来自美国多个州。由于纽约联邦法院开始甄选陪审团,R. Kelly于周一现身法庭。

R&B巨星R. Kelly再次被指控性侵 开始陪审团甄选

The 54-year-old appeared stoic in a navy blue suit as the questioning of jurors began in the Brooklyn court, where he faces charges of racketeering, sexual exploitation of a child, kidnapping, bribery and forced labor, spanning from 1994 to 2018. 

Brooklyn法庭陪审团问讯会开始,54岁的R. Kelly身穿军蓝色套装现身,显得很镇定。在Brooklyn法庭,R. Kelly面临敲诈勒索、儿童性剥削、绑架、行贿、强迫劳动等多项指控,时间跨度从1994年到2018年。

Deveraux Cannick, one of Kelly's lawyers, was reticent when asked by AFP how he was feeling, smiling and saying: "Just another Monday."

The musician born Robert Sylvester Kelly, currently incarcerated at a Brooklyn federal prison, has denied all charges.


All prospective jurors will remain anonymous and be partially sequestered throughout the process. Those selected for the trial will be escorted to and from court by US marshals, which is not abnormal in such high-profile trials.


Following jury selection, opening statements and testimony are due to begin on August 18. It is expected the trial will last at least four weeks.


New York is the first state to see Kelly stand trial in connection with a raft of state and federal indictments in four different jurisdictions. 


R&B巨星R. Kelly再次被指控性侵 开始陪审团甄选

'Women don't lie'


On the opening day of jury selection the court questioned dozens of prospective jurors, dismissing 18.


One woman was excused because in her pre-selection questionnaire she said "women don't lie" about suffering rape or abuse. When the judge probed her stance, the woman clarified that she thought it was rare that a woman would come forward with a false abuse allegation. 


Another woman said that as a child she experienced similar abuse to that detailed in the charges against Kelly, also leading the judge to dismiss her from jury duty.


R&B巨星R. Kelly再次被指控性侵 开始陪审团甄选

One man was excused because he said he would find it difficult to remain impartial when faced with evidence of sexual activity between members of the same sex, which the judge said would be exhibited.


Twelve jurors and six alternates will be selected - and those chosen will be the only members of the public to view the trial in person, a decision the court made due to the spread of COVID-19.


Potential jurors, all of them masked, were not questioned about their vaccination status. Lawyers on both sides along with Judge Ann Donnelly did not wear masks, though Kelly at one point did.

所有候选陪审员都戴着口罩,不过,法官并没有问讯关于新冠疫苗的接种情况。虽然凯利曾一度戴过口罩,但是原告和被告双方的律师,以及法官Ann Donnelly都没有戴口罩。


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