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2021年全球最具创新经济体 中国向十大最具创新性经济体靠拢

China is still the only middle-income economy in the list of the world's top 30 most innovative economies, establishing itself as a global innovation leader and approaching the top 10, according to a report released

 China is still the only middle-income economy in the list of the world's top 30 most innovative economies, establishing itself as a global innovation leader and approaching the top 10, according to a report released by the World Intellectual property organization (WIPO) on Sept 20.


WIPO's "Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021" shows that China has made continuous progress from ranking 14th last year to 12th this year and is now "knocking at the door of the GII top 10," which "underlines the continued importance of governmental policies and incentives to stimulate innovation."


2021年全球最具创新经济体 中国向十大最具创新性经济体靠拢

Since 2013, China has moved up the GII ranks consistently and steadily, establishing itself as a global innovation leader.


According to the GII, the number of China's patents by origin, scaled by gross domestic product (GDP), is higher than those of Japan, Germany and the United States, and is even more impressive when considered in absolute terms. The same is true for the number of trademarks and industrial designs by origin as a percentage of GDP.


In terms of innovation clusters geographically, the top 10 list remains the same as last year with only minor shifts. Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou and Beijing now rank second and third, respectively, after the Tokyo-Yokohama cluster in Japan. Shanghai ranks eighth. Of the top 100 clusters, China has 19.


Published annually, the Global Innovation Index provides performance measures and ranks 132 economies on their innovation ecosystems. As in past years, Switzerland, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom continue to lead the innovation ranking. Other countries in the GII top 10 include South Korea, the Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, Denmark and Germany.

全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index)每年发布一次,提供绩效指标,并对132个经济体的创新生态系统进行排名。与往年一样,瑞士、瑞典、美国和英国继续保持创新排名的领先地位。其他进入GII前10名的国家包括韩国、荷兰、芬兰、新加坡、丹麦和德国。

According to WIPO director general Daren Tang, "in spite of the massive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic … many sectors have shown remarkable resilience, especially those that have embraced digitalization, technology and innovation."

根据WIPO总干事Daren Tang的说法,“尽管新冠疫情造成了巨大影响……但许多部门都表现出了非凡的恢复力,特别是那些已经接受数字化、技术和创新的部门。”

"As the world looks to rebuild from the pandemic, we know that innovation is integral to overcoming the common challenges that we face and to constructing a better future," he said.



middle-income 中等收入的

according to 据 ; 按 ; 依照 ; 按照 ; 根据

World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织

WIPO 世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

GII 全球信息基础设施(Global information Infrastructure)

continuous progress 不断的进步

last year 去年 ; 上年 ; 那个俱乐部去年解散了

this year 今年

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  • 最具创新经济体
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