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2014金色眼镜蛇军演开幕 中国首度派兵参与

2014金色眼镜蛇军演开幕 中国首度派兵参与China is participating for the first time in the joint US-Thailand annualmilitary exercise named Cobra Gold 2014. The exercise has begun in Thailand.Filephoto.Cobra Gold is the larg

2014金色眼镜蛇军演开幕 中国首度派兵参与

China is participating for the first time in the joint US-Thailand annual military exercise named Cobra Gold 2014. The exercise has begun in Thailand.

2014金色眼镜蛇军演开幕 中国首度派兵参与
File photo.

Cobra Gold is the largest Asia-Pacific Military exercise, held in Thailand every year since 1982. This year’s drill will last 13 days, during which 17 Chinese soldiers will participate in various sections of the exercise.

The drill involves about 4,000 Thai solders and 9,000 US soldiers. Troops from Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia will also join the drill. 11 other countries will send military officers to observe the exercises.  

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