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现实版行尸走肉 英国取消年度僵尸游行





“它的花销太高了,并且占用了太多的时间。去年的花销超出了2,000英镑的预算,” 阿莫在接受采访时说。“我们不希望再有这么多人出现了,这太匪夷所思了。”

现实版行尸走肉 英国取消年度僵尸游行

Now even the undead have to worry about health and safety: Brighton cancels its annual zombie march because too many people turned up last year

More than 12,000 participants and spectators attended last year's frightfest.

Increased costs have been blamed for cancelling this year's parade

Zombies may be undead but they are not immune to health and safety fears.

The latest victim is the annual Beach of the Dead parade, in Brighton, East Sussex, which has had to be cancelled.

Groaning zombies, decked out in scary costumes, will not be rising up for after organisers said the event had become 'a victim of its own success' after more than 12,000 participants and spectators turned up for last year's frightfest.

The cancellation is set to leave walking dead fans across the nation disappointed.

This scary looking duo were among those to attend last year's Beach of the Dead parade in Brighton

Kate Amer, who led the first march in 2008, blamed an increase in stewarding, medical costs and event insurance for the decision to cancel this year's parade.

‘It just costs too much and takes up too much time. Last year it all went way over the £2,000 budget,’ Event organiser Kate Amer told the Argus newspaper.

‘We just didn’t expect the sheer amount of people that turned up. It was ridiculous.

‘We have had to go back to the drawing board because otherwise it would be too unsafe.’

She added: 'Beach of the Dead needs to allow the dead to rest until the grey matter decays.'

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