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And the award for betraying his country goes to . . . Edward Snowden breaks cover in Moscow to collect prize for 'Integrity in Intelligence'The National Security Agency whisteblower emerged to collect the Sam Adams Assoc

And the award for betraying his country goes to . . . Edward Snowden breaks cover in Moscow to collect prize for 'Integrity in Intelligence'The National security agency whisteblower emerged to collect the Sam Adams Associates Integrity in intelligence Award.

The award is given annually for people operating within the intelligence community who stand up to abuse of information gathering. previous winners include Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former British Intelligence translator Katharine Gun who leaked information suggesting America acted illegally in pushing for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Four former U.S. government officials who met Snowden said today he is adjusting to life in Russia and shows no sign of regrets about leaking highly classified information. The Americans, who once worked for the CIA, FBI, Justice department and NSA, have criticized the U.S. government and in some cases exposed what they believed was wrongdoing in the its security agencies.

They are the first Americans known to have met with Snowden, 30, since he was granted asylum in Russia in August. Thomas Drake, a former NSA executive who gave inside information to a newspaper about an electronic espionage program that he saw as invasive, said: 'He spoke about going out and about and getting to understand Russia and its culture and the people.'This is where he lives now, and so where you live is your home.'





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