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Mayor of London, many people experience the Beijing subway sighHard to find in a Beijing subway line 1, who said No it for a vacancy? Mayor of London Boris Johnson is one of them. Boris in British politics to whims and e

Mayor of London, many people experience the Beijing subway sigh

Hard to find in a Beijing subway line 1, who said No it for a vacancy? Mayor of London Boris Johnson is one of them. Boris in British politics to whims and easygoing famous. At 15:35 on the 15th, to bring economic and trade mission to China to visit Boris, came to Xidan subway station, to experience a bit Metro Line 1.

Like Beijing Subway Environment "really clean."

An iconic blonde, so yesterday afternoon in the subway Boris very striking.

"I have long wanted to experience the Beijing subway!" Boris told reporters on the Beijing News, He spoke quickly, "I came in 2006, 2008 came, but have no chance to take the subway."

Then he looked up at the subway environment, with typical British exaggeration to say, "Great! Really clean!" reporter then asked, "How much is the fare?" Hear "two yuan whole," he immediately said, "really cheap."

Continuous questions was praised as "Metro experts"

3:40 pm, subway stations and other cars are not that much, but still crowded subway. Boris got into the car, and some passengers will know that he is the Mayor of London, with many reporters followed him, in the car caused a small sensation. Boris this very uneasy, disturbed him and said, "I am not scared you all."

On the subway, Boris leaning handle to the Beijing Subway responsible person asking questions. When I heard the 1st subway line built in the 1960s when he was "wow" a cry, "really powerful."

He also asked a lot of professional issues, "Here is a two-track subway do? Problems, how to deal with?" Even briefed him on the Beijing subway officials, who praised him, "called the Metro experts."

When Boris behind a passenger got off around entourage let Boris sit down. "I am a gentleman," Boris firmly rejected, "I do not sit." Later, it insists, however, he reluctantly sat down reluctantly said, "I'm not used to so many people still standing, but I sat down . "

Beijing subway ride feel: "many"

Experience Gongzhufen station at the end of the trip. Asked on the Beijing subway feelings, Boris repeatedly praised. "Clean and orderly, everything worked well." Just one thing, many people. "Now the non-peak period, and the London Underground has peak passenger flow almost."

Farewell reception staff and the Chinese, the Beijing subway official said, and the London Underground to exchange experiences, candid Boris immediately offered to exchange business cards.

The experience is Boris six days visit to China as part of his visit, the purpose is to attract more investments in London, while the Chinese people in London to further promote tourism and education

















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