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连战:海峡两岸关系进入关键期The visiting Honorary Chairman of the Kuomintang, Lien Chan, says cross-strait relations between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have entered a critical period. He called for wisdom on both si


The visiting Honorary Chairman of the Kuomintang, Lien Chan, says cross-strait relations between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have entered a critical period. He called for wisdom on both sides to expand economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, and to break new ground in other fields.

Speaking to representatives from Taiwan and the Mainland, Lien Chan compared cross-strait relations to a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.

He said the process was ready for a breakthrough in major issues.

Lien Chan, Honorary Chairman of KMT, said, "Despite the unprecedented progress in cross-strait ties, some major issues have not been dealt with so far. For example, we should figure out a mechanism for both sides to take part in economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. We should also continue to explore new areas of cooperation related to the economy, technology, energy and maritime development. We also need to solidify a framework for peace and development."


The visiting Honorary Chairman of the Kuomintang, Lien Chan, says cross-strait relations between Taiwan and the Chinese mainlandhave entered a critical period.

 Politburo Standing Committee member of the Communist Party of China central Committee Yu Zhengsheng also commented on the two sides’ strengthening ties.

Yu Zhengsheng, CPC Politburo Standing Committee Member, said, "The frequent exchanges between people on the two sides reflect their confidence and expectations for peaceful development. It also reflects their connection with the Chinese nation, and their concern over the prosperity of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. "

The visiting Honorary Chairman of the Kuomintang, Lien Chan, says cross-strait relations

between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have entered a critical period.

Representatives from nine sectors, including trade union    s, as well as youth, education , media, and religious groups, offered their own visions for the direction of future cooperation.

"Taiwan and the Mainland should strengthen their cooperation in technology. We should sit down together to create a set of unified standards to enhance quality," said Terry Guo, chairman of Hon Hai Group.

"Through all kinds of exchanges, I believe the Mainland and Taiwan are on the right path of development," said Xiao Hanjun, secretary of Taiwan Farmers' Party.

Attendees also sounded positive, after hearing earlier remarks from CPC general Secretary Xi Jinping during his meeting with Lien Chan.

"Xi Jinping said the Mainland fully understands Taiwan’s unique mentality due to its history and social environment. This is very reassuring to us. He also emphasized a common blood bond and kinship as the basis for us to stick to the 1992 Consensus and One China framework. I think he made his point very clear," chairman of New Party Yu Muming said.

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  • 两岸关系
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