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自由式滑雪女子空中技巧决赛徐梦桃夺冠 中国队夺五金

Chinese skier Xu Mengtao won the gold medal in the women's aerials of freestyle skiing event on Monday night, and another skier Kong Fanyu also advanced to the final, sparking celebrations on social media.中国滑雪选

Chinese skier Xu Mengtao won the gold medal in the women's aerials of freestyle skiing event on Monday night, and another skier Kong Fanyu also advanced to the final, sparking celebrations on social media.


The gold medal lifted China to seventh on the medal tally with five gold medals, three silver medals and two bronze medals.


自由式滑雪女子空中技巧决赛徐梦桃夺冠 中国队夺五金

This equals China's all-time best in the Winter Olympics. China's previous best haul of gold medals was five at the 2010 Vancouver Games, when they also claimed two silvers and four bronzes.

这可谓是中国在冬奥会上的历史最好成绩。此前,中国获得的最多的金牌数是在 2010 年温哥华奥运会上,总共获得了 5 枚金牌,当时他们还获得了 2 枚银牌和

4 枚铜牌。

As the top six would qualify for the finals in Round 1, 31-year-old Xu, who is making her fourth Olympic appearance, secured her spot with 108.61 points to rank first among the six skiers.


Hanna Huskova from Belarus got the silver with 107.95 points and US skier Megan Nick claimed the bronze with a score of 93.76 points.

白俄罗斯的汉娜·胡斯科娃(Hanna Huskova)以 107.95 分获得银牌,美国滑雪运动员梅甘·尼克(Megan Nick)以 93.76


After challenging the top degree of difficulty Back full-full-full, 28-year-old Kong fell on the snow when landing and ranked sixth with a score of 59.67 points.

28岁的孔凡钰挑战了难度最高的Back full full,落地时倒在了雪地上,以59.67分的成绩排名第六。

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