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四级英语作文范文:Family meal

It is know that family meal is not only  a symbol of union , but also a bond to tie the members. However, in my opinion, family meal is boring and a mess.

It is know that family meal is not only  a symbol of union , but also a bond to tie the members. However, in my opinion, family meal is boring and a mess.

Family meal is a big waste. When we have a family meal ,the host usually prepare a lot of dishes . There are usually too much dishes for us to eat, at last,much dishes goes to the trash bin instead of the stomach. Also the family meal always last for a incredible long time , I'd rather go to the cinema, read my favorit novels or even do the disgusting homework than have a family meal.

Family meal brings me discomfort. The air quality is poor, we are sorrouned by the polluted indoor air that is contaminated by smoke and alchol. The most annoying part is that parents always compare me and other kids to show who is the best. I wonder why parents alway like show their kids.

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