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试点恢复沪深港口 出境邮轮游市场升温

随着国家出入境旅游政策放开,海外邮轮旅行市场已感受到热度。交通运输部办公厅3月印发《国际邮轮运输有序试点复航方案》,宣布在上海、深圳邮轮港口启动国际邮轮运输试点复航,邮轮公司迅速回应,推出多条航线,重新谋划布局中国市场。China Merchants-Yidun, the first


China Merchants-Yidun, the first Chinese-flagged luxury cruise ship, is docked at a terminal in the Bund area of Shanghai in February 2022. [PHOTO/CHINA DAILY]US-based cruise line operator Royal Caribbean International said it has seen growing demand from Chinese travelers for cruise trips abroad and the company is fully confident in the recovery trend of China's ocean cruise market.


Royal Caribbean, which mainly operates large tonnage cruise ships, expects that in the second half of this year, China's cruise tourism market will witness a restart, with the further easing of outbound travel policies and reopening of cruise terminals. In 2024, China's cruise market is expected to enter a recovery stage, it predicted.


"On the demand side, people's desire for reunions and flexibility to travel remains unchanged, but such demand was held up before. We are optimistic about Chinese consumers' willingness to take cruise trips again," said Liu Zinan, senior vice-president of Royal Caribbean Group and chairman of Royal Caribbean Cruises Asia.


After the Chinese government announced the resumption of quarantine-free cross-border trips in December, Royal Caribbean started receiving a growing number of inquiries from Chinese travelers about taking cruise trips abroad.


Since China relaxed COVID-19-related entry restrictions on Jan 8, Chinese tourists have indicated a strong interest in taking cruise trips overseas, especially in Southeast Asia, and booking volumes have been high.


Royal Caribbean said the most popular route for Chinese tourists has been from Singapore to destinations in Southeast Asia, which are mainly short and medium-length routes lasting from four to seven days.


Chinese tourists recognize and are familiar with those destinations and flight ticket prices from China to Singapore are more acceptable compared with prices to Europe and the US.


In March, China resumed outbound group tours to 40 more selected countries after resuming overseas group tours to 20 countries in February. With the further possible expansion of selected destinations and a growing number of international flights with reasonable ticket prices, booking volumes of overseas cruise trips may continue to rise, Royal Caribbean said.


International cruise trips that depart from Chinese mainland's home ports, Shanghai and Shenzhen in Guangdong province, had been given the green light to resume after a suspension of over three years, according to a notice released by the Ministry of transport in late March.


"Next, the revenue growth of China's domestic cruise tourism market is expected to mainly come from routes that depart from Shanghai and Tianjin to various destinations in Japan, and tourists will mainly consist of families and senior groups," Liu said.


Before the pandemic outbreak, China's cruise tourism market experienced a golden decade of growth. Currently, China stands as the second-largest cruise passenger market after the US, according to the Cruise Lines International Association.


Although COVID-19 has had a negative impact on the global cruise tourism market, the sector is on a recovery track and passenger traffic in 2024 is likely to exceed levels seen in 2019 when there was no pandemic, the CLIA forecasted.


Meanwhile, in January, Norwegian cruise line operator Viking Cruises began sales of its European inland river cruise routes for Chinese tourists. Its 11-day Rhine River cruise has been particularly popular, according to the company.



pandemic 流行病 ; 大流行病 ; 大流行的 ; 普遍的,全世界的

outbreak 爆发 ; 爆发,突然发生

cruise 巡航 ; 乘船游览 ; 以平稳的速度行驶 ; 慢速行驶,巡行 ; 轻而易举赢得 ; 寻觅性伙伴,猎艳 ; 航行

tourism 旅游业 ; 观光业

experienced 有 经验 ; 有经验的 ; 熟练的 ; 有阅历的 ; 有见识的 ; 老练的 ; 经历 ; 体验 ; 经受 ; 遭受 ; 感受 ; 体会 ; experience的过去分词和过去式

golden 金的,金制的,金质的 ; 含金的,产金的 ; 金色的,金黄色的 ; 金币的,金钱的 ; 特别的,美好的 ; 极好的,有发展前途的,有益的 ; 闪金光的,发亮的 ; 繁荣的,兴盛的 ; 亮的,铿锵的 ; 大受欢迎的 ; <口>处境好的,富裕的 ; 使成金色,成为金色

decade 十年 ; 十年期

stands 站立 ; 立 ; 直立 ; 站起来 ; 起立 ; 使直立 ; 竖放 ; 使站立 ; 态度 ; 立场 ; 观点 ; 保卫 ; 捍卫 ; 维护 ; 抵抗 ; 货摊 ; 售货亭 ; stand的第三人称单数和复数

passenger 乘客,旅客 ; 白吃饭的人,闲散人员 ; <古> 旅人,徒步旅行者 ; 乘客的,旅客的

according to 根据 ; 据 ; 按 ; 依照 ; 按照


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