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“五一”旅游市场预订火爆 将迎出行高峰

“五一”假期临近,不少消费者正在筹备出游。各大旅游平台发布的数据显示,今年“五一”假期,国内旅游需求增长显著。This photo taken on Feb. 15, 2023 shows a view of the crowded Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station in east China's Shanghai. (Xinhua/Wang Xiang)D


This photo taken on Feb. 15, 2023 shows a view of the crowded Shanghai Hongqiao railway station in east China's Shanghai. (Xinhua/Wang Xiang)

Domestic travel bookings for the five-day holiday that starts on April 29 this year have seen a surge of over 700 percent from the same holiday last year, the latest data from online travel agency Trip.com Group showed. The agency also noted an explosive growth in the demand for tours abroad.


"China's tourism market has embarked on a track of recovery this year. We will see a persistent 'travel frenzy' during the May Day holiday," said Li Huiqin, a tourism expert with the China university of Geosciences.


Data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism showed that the country saw nearly 1.22 billion domestic tourist trips in the first quarter of 2023, up 46.5 percent year on year. Domestic tourism revenue increased 69.5 percent from the same period last year.


"The pent-up travel demand will be greatly unleashed in the post-pandemic era," Li said, forecasting that the tourism market will fare better than in the same period of 2019.


The latest data from the Civil Aviation Administration of China showed that flight bookings for the upcoming May Day holiday have already exceeded 6 million, generally equivalent to the level registered during the same holiday in 2019.


The administration expected the total number of air passenger trips nationwide to hit 9 million during the holiday.


A recent report issued by the China Tourism Academy said that the number of domestic tourist trips will reach about 4.55 billion, a surge of 73 percent year on year. The total number of inbound and outbound tourist trips will surpass 90 million, doubling from a year ago.



bookings 预订 ; 预约,约定 ; 记名警告 ; booking的复数

this year 今年

surge 涌 ; 汹涌 ; 涌动 ; 使强烈地感到 ; 急剧上升 ; 飞涨 ; 激增 ; 浪涌 ; 突发 ; 急剧上升,激增 ; 大量 ; 一大批 ; 奔涌向前 ; 突然的向上运动

last year 去年 ; 上年 ; 那个俱乐部去年解散了

latest data 最新数据

travel agency 旅行社

explosive 爆炸的 ; 易爆炸的 ; 可能引起爆炸的 ; 易爆发的 ; 可能引起冲动的 ; 暴躁的 ; 突增的 ; 爆发的 ; 炸药 ; 爆炸物

demand for 需求 ; 要求

tours 旅行 ; 旅游 ; 游览 ; 参观 ; 观光 ; 巡回比赛 ; 巡视 ; 在…旅游 ; 在…巡回演出 ; tour的第三人称单数和复数

abroad 到国外 ; 在国外 ; 广为流传 ; 在室外 ; 户外 ; 往国外的 ; 海外 ; 异国


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