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对华关税重估 美政府应秉持客观理性态度

5月25日,商务部部长王文涛在赴美国参加亚太经合组织贸易部长会议期间,在华盛顿会见美国商务部长雷蒙多。双方同意建立沟通渠道,就具体经贸关切和合作事项保持和加强交流。Chinese and US flags flutter outside the building of an American company in Beijing. [Photo


Chinese and US flags flutter outside the building of an American company in Beijing. [Photo/Agencies]

Were it not for US Deputy Trade Representative Sarah Bianchi's interview with Reuters after the "Indo-Pacific" economic Framework for Prosperity talks wrapped up in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, the statutory four-year review of the previous Donald Trump administration's initial tariff actions and their subsequent modifications by the Joe Biden administration might have passed under the public radar.


That to some extent shows that the US society, including the parties suffering from the tariffs, have given up hope of any suspension of the tariffs, particularly as the inflation in the United States that prompted the Biden administration to consider adjusting the tariffs last year has now eased.


Bianchi's remarks on the office of the US Trade Representative's review of whether to keep the tariffs on Chinese goods in place reinforced that judgment. "We are conducting the review from an analytical perspective. We're not base-casing any breakthrough in the trade relationship. We're not assuming that that will happen."


Moreover, the deputy trade representative, who oversees trade engagement with Asia, added that the USTR is continuing to study industry and stakeholder comments on the duties and consulting with the US Commerce Department, the Treasury and other agencies to determine which categories make strategic sense, hinting that more imports from China might be added to the tariffs.


The tariffs on thousands of imports from China, valued at around $370 billion at the time, were imposed by the Trump administration in 2018 and 2019 as a bargaining chip for its trade talks with Beijing.


After passing the inflation pressure test — with much of the cost of the tariffs having been passed on to US consumers and businesses — and with no intention of mending ties with Beijing, the Biden administration sees no reason not to keep the tariffs in place. With its blacklist sanctions precisely targeting China's high-tech sectors, the tariffs are being used to hurt China's lower-end manufacturing industries.


Bianchi's remarks came just two days after Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao raised objections against the tariffs as an issue of concern during a meeting with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai in Detroit on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation trade meeting on Thursday, the first Cabinet-level exchanges between Washington and Beijing in months.


Considering that the duties are viewed by the Biden administration as "significant leverage" over China and that Congress has delegated much of its tariff authority to the president, so as to avoid censure by a few vocal industries, the so-called importance and necessity of maintaining such "conversations" between the two sides highlighted by Bianchi in her interview is questionable for Beijing.



Were it not for 如果不是

Deputy Trade Representative 贸易副代表

Bianchi 比安奇 ; 比安希

Indo-Pacific 印度洋-太平洋海域 ; 太平洋 ; 印度太平洋

Economic Framework 经济框架 ; 经济架构

wrapped up in 酷爱

statutory 法定的 ; 依法必须执行的

Donald Trump 特朗普 ; 川普 ; 唐纳德·特朗普

tariff 关税 ; 价目表,收费表 ; 量刑标准 ; 征收关税;定税率;定收费标准

Biden 拜登


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