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Damian Myles, 42, has been given just months to live, and fundraisers have dug deep to grant his daughter Ruby her wish of taking him to Disneyland Paris.英国绍斯波特市42岁的戴米恩迈尔斯身患癌症,生命只剩下不到几个月的时

 Damian Myles, 42, has been given just months to live, and fundraisers have dug deep to grant his daughter Ruby her wish of taking him to Disneyland Paris.



A little girl's dream of taking her daddy to Disneyland “before the angels come for him” has come true.


Damian Myles, 42, was last week told that he had just months to live after fighting cancer for more than a year.


His only daughter, Ruby’s wish was to go on a trip of a lifetime with her daddy following his devastating news.


With the family unable to afford the holiday, the whole community has dug deep to give them memories that they can treasure forever.


Annie McTaggart, of Southport, helped to organise fundraising for Damian and Ruby, five, and staged a party to tell the family they had week-long tickets to the resort in Paris.


Annie said: “The day was just so emotional, they are such a lovely family and Damian is one of the nicest men you can meet. He has just constantly been saying ‘Why are you helping me, there are others with cancer.’


“Ruby had come downstairs one morning and said ‘Daddy, I am taking you to Disneyland before the angels come for you.’ When I gave her the tickets, she said ‘Does this mean I can take my daddy to Disneyland?’ - it was overwhelming.”


Fundraisers were able to send the Myles family so quickly thanks to a generous local businessman who gave them money for the trip.


Annie said: “We worked hard to reach our total, but Disneyland is expensive. We knew that we needed to send the family as soon as possible as we just do not know how Damian is going to be from week to week and he could quickly get to the stage where he can’t fly.


“A charitable businessman has loaned us the rest of the money because he was so moved by the family’s story, but we need to pay him back.”


In just one week, campaigners were able to raise £4,130, but they still needed more than £1,000 to pay off the holiday.


Ruby and her parents set off on their dream trip on Tuesday and will return next week.


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