

“Restraint” is a seldom-used word in connection with “American Horror Story,” where the emphasis often tilts more toward gory images and sadism than genuine scares. Yet working from a novel with a different writer appears to have imposed some welcome discipline on the 12th edition of the FX series, “Delicate,” which owes a tonal debt to “Rosemary’s Baby.”


Producer Ryan Murphy again draws from his “AHS” repertory company, in this case creating a showcase for Emma Roberts as Anna Alcott, a rising movie star whose infertility issues lead her to label herself “broken,” a reference her husband, Dex (Matt Czuchry), quickly corrects.

制片人Ryan Murphy再次从他的《AHS》团队中选角,这次为Emma Roberts创造了展示的机会,她饰演的Anna Alcott是一位崭露头角的电影明星,她的不孕问题使她给自己贴上了“有缺陷”的标签,而丈夫Dex(Matt Czuchry)迅速纠正了她的说法。

Still, strange things begin to happen when Anna gets the chance for another IVF treatment, despite the assurances of her doctor, played by Denis O’Hare, that she has a very good chance at success this time. (Given O’Hare’s association with the “Horror Story” franchise, anyone seeing him as a doctor should really seek out a second opinion.)

然而,当Anna有机会再次进行体外受精治疗时,奇怪的事情开始发生,尽管她的医生(由Denis O’Hare扮演)向她保证,这一次她成功的几率很大。(考虑到O’Hare与《恐怖故事》系列的关联,任何把他看作医生的人应该寻求第二种意见。)

Adapting the book “Delicate Condition,” writer-producer Halley Feiffer actually lets the situations breathe a bit – again, not a customary “American Horror Story” hallmark. That includes a hint of mystery surrounding Dex, whose first wife died, as well as at least one shadowy woman who appears to be stalking Anna.

编剧兼制片人Halley Feiffer改编了《Delicate Condition》一书,实际上让情况稍微缓和了一些 - 再说一次,这不是“美国恐怖故事”惯常的特点。这包括神秘的Dex,他的第一任妻子去世的谜团,以及至少一个似乎在跟踪Anna的神秘女人。

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