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周三,美国宇航员弗兰克·卢比奥(Frank Rubio)和两名俄罗斯机组成员降落在哈萨克斯坦的偏远草原上,结束了在国际空间站进行的为期371天的任务,这是美国人进行的有史以来最长的单次太空飞行。

NASA astronaut frank Rubio and two Russian crewmates parachuted to a landing on the remote steppe of Kazakhstan on Wednesday, capping a 371-day mission at the International Space Station, the longest single spaceflight ever undertaken by an American.

周三,美国宇航员弗兰克·卢比奥(Frank Rubio)和两名俄罗斯机组成员降落在哈萨克斯坦的偏远草原上,结束了在国际空间站进行的为期371天的任务,这是美国人进行的有史以来最长的单次太空飞行。

It was also the third-longest mission off the planet in the history of human spaceflight, eclipsed only by two Russian cosmonauts who lived on the Mir space station in the 1990s.


Rubio, a US Army lieutenant colonel who grew up in El Salvador and Miami, was supposed to spend about six months in low-Earth orbit on the International Space Station. He launched on September 21, 2022, on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft with commander Sergey Prokopyev and flight engineer Dmitri Petelin.

在萨尔瓦多和迈阿密长大的美国陆军中校卢比奥,本应在国际空间站的近地轨道上度过约六个月。他于2022年9月21日搭乘俄罗斯联盟号飞船与指挥官谢尔盖·普罗科皮耶夫(Sergey Prokopyev)和飞行工程师德米特里·佩特林(Dmitri Petelin)一同发射升空。

Three months into Rubio's mission, the Soyuz spacecraft he rode into orbit suddenly started leaking coolant. Russian engineers determined the leak was most likely caused by an impact from a tiny fragment of rock from deep space, called a micrometeoroid, which ruptured a coolant line and sent a spray of snowflake-like particles into space as the Soyuz remained docked at the station.


Russian space officials decided it was too risky to have the crippled Soyuz spacecraft return to Earth as planned with its three-man crew, so they launched a replacement Soyuz to the station in February without anyone on board. that meant the crew originally assigned to fly on that spacecraft got bumped until the next Soyuz would be ready to launch in September.


Rubio and his Russian colleagues would have to wait for their replacements to arrive, extending their stay in orbit from six months to more than a year. NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara, Russian commander Oleg Kononenko, and cosmonaut Nikolai Chub launched to the space station on September 15, setting the stage for Rubio, Prokopyev, and Petelin to finally come home.

卢比奥和他的俄罗斯同事不得不等待接替他们的人员到来,这使得他们在轨道上的停留时间从六个月延长到一年以上。美国宇航局宇航员洛拉·奥哈拉(Loral O’Hara)、俄罗斯指挥官奥列格·科诺年科(Oleg Kononenko)和宇航员尼古拉·丘布(Nikolai Chub)于9月15日发射升空,为卢比奥、普罗科皮耶夫和佩特林顺利回家铺平了道路。

On the final leg of their voyage, the crewmen floated into their Soyuz MS-23 return vehicle overnight, closed hatches, and undocked from the space station a few hours later. The Soyuz spacecraft backed away from the orbiting research complex, fired thrusters for a braking burn, then descended into the atmosphere, pulling about 4.5 Gs as it streaked toward the landing site in Kazakhstan.

在最后一段旅程中,机组成员在夜间进入联盟MS-23返回舱,关闭舱门,几个小时后与空间站分离。联盟号飞船驶离轨道研究复合体,启动推进器进行制动燃烧,然后进入大气层,以约4.5 G 的加速度向哈萨克斯坦的着陆点高速飞行。

After deploying a large parachute, the capsule touched down on the barren plains of Kazakhstan at 7:17 am EDT (11:17 UTC) Wednesday. A Russian recovery team converged on the capsule with helicopters and all-terrain vehicles to help the crewmen out of the spacecraft.


"It's good to be home," Rubio told a member of the recovery team after landing.

“回家了真好。” 卢比奥在着陆后对救援队成员说道。

Through a translator, Petelin said he and his crewmates were "waiting impatiently to get back" to Earth. "It was my first landing. I didn't know what to expect. Today, I felt it to the fullest."


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