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Attention please! We are excited to announce that our school is organizing a field trip to the zoo next week. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about different animal species and their habitats.


Dear students,

Attention please! We are excited to announce that our school is organizing a field trip to the zoo next week. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about different animal species and their habitats.

Date: Saturday, May 15th

Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Meeting point: School entrance

During the field trip, you will have a chance to see a wide variety of animals, including lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, and many more. There will also be educational presentations by zookeepers who will teach you interesting facts about the animals.

Please make sure to bring packed lunch as there won’t be any food stalls available inside the zoo. Also, wear comfortable walking shoes and bring sunscreen and hats as we will be walking around the zoo for a few hours.

The cost of the field trip is $20 per student, which includes transportation and entrance fee to the zoo. Please bring the money in an envelope with your name and class written on it and submit it to your class teacher by Wednesday, May 12th.

1.We are looking forward to an exciting and educational day at the zoo!

When is the field trip to the zoo?

A. Monday, May 10th

B. Wednesday, May 12th

C. Saturday, May 15th

D. Sunday, May 16th

2.Where should the students meet before the field trip?

A. Zoo entrance

B. School entrance

C. Food stalls

D. Classroom

3.What animals can the students see at the zoo?

A. Dogs and cats

B. Birds and fish

C. Lions and tigers

D. Snakes and spiders

4.What should the students bring for the field trip?

A. Money for food

B. Packed lunch

C. Food stalls

D. Hats and sunscreen

5.How much does the field trip cost per student?

A. $10

B. $15

C. $20

D. $25







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