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The world's population is increasing at an alarming rate, and the demand for water is increasing as well. By 2050, it is estimated that the global demand for water will be twice as high as it is today.

Passage 1

The world's population is increasing at an alarming rate, and the demand for water is increasing as well. By 2050, it is estimated that the global demand for water will be twice as high as it is today. This is particularly true in developing countries, where the demand for water is expected to exceed the supply.

One of the main causes of this shortage is the growing population. As the population increases, so does the demand for water. In addition, the demand for water is also increasing due to the rise in standards of living. As people become more affluent, they tend to consume more water, particularly for cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene.

Another cause of the water shortage is the lack of infrastructure to supply clean and safe water. Many developing countries do not have access to clean water, and even in developed countries, there are often problems with water quality and supply.

To address this issue, several solutions have been proposed. Firstly, the need for better infrastructure to supply clean and safe water is essential. Developing countries need to invest in water treatment facilities and pipes to ensure clean and safe water delivery to households. Secondly, people need to be educated on how to conserve water. Simple measures such as fixing leaky faucets or shower heads can significantly reduce water consumption. Finally, alternative sources of water need to be developed. This includes desalination of seawater and rainwater harvesting.

Question 1、 What is the main cause of the global water shortage?

A. Pollution

B. Population growth

C. climate change

D. Inefficient use of water

E. None of the above

Question 2、 Why is the demand for water increasing?

A. Due to population growth and rising standards of living

B. Only due to population growth

C. Only due to rising standards of living

D. Due to pollution and climate change

E. None of the above

Question 3、 What is one way to address the global water shortage?

A. Reduce pollution

B. increase infrastructure development

C. Plant more trees

D. develop alternative sources of water

E. None of the above

Question 4、 What are two causes of the water shortage in developing countries?

A. Pollution and climate change

B. Population growth and inefficient use of water

C. Lack of infrastructure and poor management of water resourcesD. Insufficient rainfall and poor soil quality

E. None of the above

F、 All of the above are correct


问题1答案:B. Population growth


问题2答案:A. Due to population growth and rising standards of living


问题3答案:B. Increase infrastructure development


问题4答案:C. Lack of infrastructure and poor management of water resources


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