好莱坞杵拐杖的性感女神Selma Blair要重新开始约会了

没有什么能够打倒这位坚强的单亲妈妈,确诊患病之后,Selma Blair一直给人传递的是坚强、勇敢的信息。2019年,Selma Blair绑着披风,杵着拐杖像个女战士一样亮相奥斯卡派对,在这里,她艳压Gaga,成为全场公认的女王,被网友认定为杵拐杖的性感女神。


2018年被诊断出患有多发性硬化症后,Selma Blair这样说,那时,这位46岁的单亲妈妈疾病已经进一步恶化了,连走路都需要杵着拐杖。曾经活跃荧幕的一线女星,竟然落得这样的下场,让不少网友惋惜不已。

然而,没有什么能够打倒这位坚强的单亲妈妈,确诊患病之后,Selma Blair一直给人传递的是坚强、勇敢的信息。

2019年,Selma Blair绑着披风,杵着拐杖像个女战士一样亮相奥斯卡派对,在这里,她艳压Gaga,成为全场公认的女王,被网友认定为杵拐杖的性感女神。

多年过去,Selma Blair再一次走进公众视线,这一次,她坦然,想要约会了。


Selma Blair is finally ready to get back into the dating scene.


In a profile published by Glamour Wednesday, the “Cruel Intentions” actress, 51, revealed she feels optimistic about dating again after putting her love life on pause for the last five years while dealing with her multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis.


“What [being in love] does for your spirit—it’s nothing to take lightly,” she told the outlet. “It colors everything. I still believe if I’m just true to myself, that person will come into my life one day.”


“I think I deserve it and think I’m in a great place to show up as the best version of me. It’s the first time I have hope. And I could have never said that in my life before.”


此前,就有媒体拍到Selma Blair疑似和前男友交往甚密的照片。

Selma Blair sparked reconciliation rumors with her ex-boyfriend David Lyons on Saturday as the duo were spotted getting close in Los Angeles.


The “Cruel Intentions” star, and the film director — who first dated in 2019 — were photographed by paparazzi while hanging out again near an Erewhon Market store.

这位《致命性游戏》明星和这位电影导演曾于2019年有过一段恋情,他们在 Erewhon Market 商店附近再次闲逛时被狗仔队拍到。

In the images, obtained by Page Six exclusively, it appears a fan approached the pair, as they were seen stopping to have a quick chat with the woman.

在Page Six独家获得的这些照片中,似乎有一位粉丝走近了这对情侣,他们停下来与这名女子快速聊了几句。

During the conversation, Blair caressed Lyons’ head and put her hand on his chest and shoulder.


如果Selma Blair真的要开始约会了,那真的是天大的好消息,要知道,2018年她确诊多发性硬化症时,曾自爆得了这个病之后,会经常“摔倒”,“拿不稳东西”,而且“记忆力会变差”,会出现“语言障碍”。

对于一个活跃在大屏幕上,每天要忙着拍片、拍杂志封面、做代言的明星来说,这样的疾病无疑是天大的打击,但是,Selma Blair一直没有放弃自己,她在不断地与疾病抗争的同时,给更多的人带来了勇气和力量。


今年5月,Selma Blair登上了《Vogue》杂志封面,让更多的人看到了她手里的拐杖,看到了她背后的勇敢和付出。

Selma Blair struck a power pose with her cane for British Vogue’s May 2023 cover.


“I have an emotional and physical attachment to the cane,” the “Cruel Intentions” actress, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2018, told the magazine, adding, “I settle in my voice and body as soon as I hold [it].”


Blair posed in a caped cutout gown and matching heels by Valentino for the cover shot, calling the mobility aid an “extension” of herself.


“I know it adds to visibility. So many younger people have started publicly embracing their sticks more,” she continued.


经常摔倒、拿不稳东西、记忆力衰退、走不稳路,这些行为并不可怕,事实上,Selma Blair 并不是唯一一个被确诊硬化症的人,还有其他的名人也一直在和这个病做斗争。

《老友记》演员 Christina Applegate 、《王牌大贱谍3》演员Jack Osbourne、《黑道家族》明星Jamie-Lynn Sigler等名人都患有硬化症,他们的身体和精神都不同程度地受到了疾病的折磨。


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