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Once there was a little girl named Alice. She was very unhappy because she was too fat. Her parents tried to help her lose weight, but nothing worked.

Once there was a little girl named Alice. She was very unhappy because she was too fat. Her parents tried to help her lose weight, but nothing worked. One day, her father suggested that she go for a walk. Alice agreed and they went for a walk together. After a while, they saw a cat on the road. It was very ugly. Alice was so afraid that she wanted to go back home. However, her father told her to stay away from the cat.

1.Alice was unhappy because __________.

A. her parents didn't love her

B. she was too fat

C. her parents didn't want to help her lose weight

D. she had no friends

2.Alice's father suggested that she __________.

A. go for a walk

B. go to the doctor

C. go back home

D. go shopping

3.When Alice saw the cat,she __________.

A. was very happy

B. was very scared and wanted to go back home

C. knew the cat well

D. wanted to play with the cat

4.Alice's father told her to __________ the cat.

A. play with

B. feed

C. stay away from

D. catch

5.Alice and her father __________ together one day.

A. went for a walk

B. went to the doctor

C. went back home

D. went shopping


1.答案:B. she was too fat


2.答案:A. go for a walk


3.答案:B. was very scared and wanted to go back home


4.答案:C. stay away from


5.答案:A. went for a walk


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