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Hannah has a great interest in natural history and always wanted to work with the skeleton (骨架) of a dinosaur. So as soon as she finished high school, she applied to the University of Bristol to study Paleontology.

Hannah has a great interest in natural history and always wanted to work with the skeleton (骨架) of a dinosaur. So as soon as she finished high school, she applied to the university of Bristol to study Paleontology. “It’s a good place with a lot of fossils,” she was told.

One day, while she was working in the laboratory, she noticed a small round object on the floor. It was about the size of a tennis ball and was covered in a layer of rock. It was a dinosaur egg. She was thrilled and immediately called her supervisor.

“Hello, Dr. Smith?” she said excitedly. “I’ve just found something amazing!”

“What is it, Hannah?” Dr. Smith asked.

“It’s a dinosaur egg,” she said. “I’m sure of it.”

Dr. Smith was very excited too when he heard the news. “That’s excellent!” he said. “You must send it to the university to be studied.”

Hannah put the dinosaur egg in her bag and went home. She decided to take a quick look at it before going to bed. To her surprise, when she cleaned the egg, she saw that there was a tiny skeleton inside.

“Oh my goodness!” she exclaimed. “It’s a mother dinosaur and her baby!”

1.Hannah is interested in ___________.

A. science fiction B. fossils C. old coins D. dinosaur skeletons

2.Hannah found the dinosaur egg ___________.

A. on the floor of her laboratory B. among some rocks on the hill C. in a nest on the ground D. in a bag in her laboratory

3.When Dr. Smith heard the news, he ___________.

A. was not interested B. was not surprised C. became very excited D. wanted to have a look at the egg himself

4.Hannah thought that the dinosaur egg was ___________.

A. a fake B. very old C. an ordinary egg D. a masterpiece

5.The dinosaur skeleton inside the egg was ___________ than the mother dinosaur skeleton Hannah had always wanted to see.

A. more difficult to find B. more special C. less special D. less important


56-59 D B C D 60. B




3.文章中提到当Dr Smith听到这个消息时,他非常兴奋,因此答案是C。 



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