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It was reported in the newspaper that a new product named "Green Tomato" would be put on the market soon. This product is a kind of healthy drink made from green tomatoes.

It was reported in the newspaper that a new product named "Green Tomato" would be put on the market soon. This product is a kind of healthy drink made from green tomatoes. It is claimed that this drink can help people lose weight and keep fit. Many people were excited about this new product because it seemed to be a perfect solution to their health problems.

One day,a man named John went to the store to buy the "Green Tomato" drink. However,when he arrived at the store,he was told that the drink was out of stock. John was very disappointed because he really wanted to try this new product.

John's friend,Mary,heard about his plan to lose weight and wanted to help him. She suggested that he try a different healthy drink made from green tea and lemon instead of green tomatoes. John accepted her suggestion and decided to give it a try.

After a few days,John began to lose weight and feel much healthier. He attributed his success to the healthy drink made from green tea and lemon. He believed that this drink had helped him to lose weight and keep fit.

66What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A new product named "Green Tomato" will be put on the market soon.

B. Many people were excited about the new product "Green Tomato".

C. John went to the store to buy the "Green Tomato" drink.

D. John lost weight and kept fit by drinking a healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

67.Why was John disappointed when he found out that the "Green Tomato" drink was out of stock?

A. Because he really wanted to try this new product.

B. Because he was told that the drink was not good for his health.

C. Because he thought that the drink was too expensive.

D. Because he was not interested in the drink at all.

68What did Mary suggest that John should try instead of the "Green Tomato" drink?

A. A different healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

B. The same drink made from green tomatoes.

C. A different healthy drink made from green tomatoes.

D. None of the above.

69.What did John attribute his success to?

A. Drinking the "Green Tomato" drink.

B. Drinking a healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

C. Doing exercise regularly.

D. Eating a balanced diet.

70.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The "Green Tomato" drink is better than other healthy drinks.

B. John will continue to drink the healthy drink made from green tea and lemon.

C. Many people will stop buying the "Green Tomato" drink because of its high price.

D. John will no longer buy the "Green Tomato" drink because it is too expensive.





解析:约翰真的很想尝试这种新产品,所以当他发现“Green Tomato”饮料缺货时,他感到非常失望。


解析:约翰的朋友玛丽建议约翰尝试一种不同的、由绿茶和柠檬制成的健康饮料来代替“Green Tomato”饮料。因此,答案为A。








初中英语中考必考知识点:冠词a an the的用法

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