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1.猫猫 Cat例句:My cat is sleeping on my lap. 我的猫正在我腿上睡觉。2.狗 Dog例句:The dog is barking at the stranger. 狗正在对着陌生人叫。

1.猫猫 Cat

例句:My cat is sleeping on my lap. 我的猫正在我腿上睡觉。

2.狗 Dog

例句:The dog is barking at the stranger. 狗正在对着陌生人叫。

3.兔子 Rabbit

例句:The rabbit is hopping through the grass. 兔子正在草丛中跳跃。

4.猪 Pig

例句:The pig is rooting in the mud. 猪正在泥里翻找食物。

5.马 Horse

例句:The horse is galloping across the field. 马正在田野里奔驰。

6.牛 Cow

例句:The cow is mooing and chewing cud. 牛正在发出哞哞声并反刍。

7.羊 Sheep

例句:The sheep is grazing in the meadow. 羊正在草地上吃草。

8.猴子 Monkey

例句:The monkey is swinging from branch to branch. 猴子正在树枝间荡来荡去。

9.狮子 Lion

例句:The lion is roaring and shaking its mane. 狮子正在咆哮并摇动它的鬃毛。

10.老虎 Tiger

例句:The tiger is prowling through the jungle. 老虎正在丛林中潜行。

11.鸟 Bird

例句:The bird is singing in the tree. 鸟儿在树上唱歌。

12.大象 Elephant

例句:The elephant is the largest animal on land. 大象是陆地上最大的动物。

13.蚂蚁 Ant

例句:The ant is carrying food back to its colony. 蚂蚁正在把食物运回蚁巢。

14.鳄鱼 Crocodile

例句:The crocodile lives in the Nile River and is known for its tough skin and sharp teeth. 鳄鱼生活在尼罗河,以其坚硬的皮肤和锋利的牙齿而闻名。

15.鲸鱼 Whale

例句:The whale is swimming freely in the open sea. 鲸鱼在开阔的海域自由地游动。

16.蛇 Snake

例句:The snake is slithering through the grass. 蛇正在草丛中爬行。

17.狐狸 Fox

例句:The fox is slinking through the forest. 狐狸正在森林中潜行。

18.松鼠 Squirrel

例句:The squirrel is scampering up a tree. 松鼠正在爬树。

19.熊 Bear

例句:The bear is rummaging through the garbage can. 熊正在翻找垃圾筒。

20.鸽子 Pigeon

例句:The pigeon is flying overhead, carrying a message. 鸽子正在头顶飞行,带着信息。





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