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1.自行车 Bicycle例句:I usually cycle to school. 我通常骑自行车去学校。2.公交车 Bus例句:The bus is delayed. 公交车延误了。

1.自行车 Bicycle

例句:I usually cycle to school. 我通常骑自行车去学校。

2.公交车 Bus

例句:The bus is delayed. 公交车延误了。

3.车 Train

例句:The train is departing soon. 火车很快就要离开了。

4.飞机 Airplane

例句:I am flying to New York tomorrow. 我明天要飞往纽约。

5.小汽车 Car

例句:He drives his car to work. 他开车去工作。

6.卡车 Truck

例句:The truck is carrying a load of sand. 卡车正在运沙子。

7.摩托车 Motorcycle

例句:My brother rides a motorcycle to school. 我的哥哥骑摩托车去学校。

8.地铁 Subway

例句:The subway is the fastest way to get around the city. 地铁是在城市里最快的交通方式。

9.电动自行车 Electric Bike

例句:I like to use the electric bike to go to work. 我喜欢用电动自行车去上班。

10.摩托车电动车 Scooter

例句:The scooter is a popular mode of transportation in the city. 摩托车电动车是城市中流行的交通工具。

11.电车 Trolley

例句:The trolley is carrying passengers up the mountain. 电车正在载着乘客上山。

12.长途汽车 Coach

例句:I took the coach to get to the city center. 我乘坐长途汽车到达市中心。

13.轮船 Ship

例句:We are taking the ferry to the island. 我们正在乘船去那个岛屿。

14.直升机 Helicopter

例句:The helicopter is hovering above the rescue site. 直升机正在救援现场上方盘旋。

15.太空飞船 Spacecraft

例句:The spacecraft was launched into orbit. 太空飞船被发射进入轨道。

16.磁悬浮列车 Maglev Train

例句:The maglev train is very fast and efficient. 磁悬浮列车速度很快,效率很高。

17.自行车共享 Bike Share

例句:I used the bike share to get to the park. 我使用自行车共享服务到达公园。

18.自动驾驶汽车 Self-driving Car

例句:The self-driving car took me to my destination. 自动驾驶汽车把我带到了目的地。

19.电动滑板车 Electric Scooter

例句:The electric scooter helped me get around the city easily. 电动滑板车帮助我轻松地在城市中穿梭。

20.缆车 Cable Car

例句:The cable car is carrying us up the mountain. 缆车正在把我们拉上山。

21.飞船 Spacecraft

例句:The spacecraft landed safely on the moon. 宇宙飞船安全地降落在月球上。

22.火箭 Rocket

例句:The rocket launched into space successfully. 火箭成功地发射进入太空。

23.热气球 Hot Air Balloon

例句:We took a hot air balloon ride over the city. 我们在城市上空乘坐热气球。

24.太空梭 Space Shuttle

例句:The space shuttle was launched into orbit. 太空梭被发射进入轨道。





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