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1.纸巾 Paper Towel例句:I used a paper towel to clean the table. 我用纸巾擦桌子。2.垃圾桶 Trash Can例句:Please throw the garbage in the trash can. 请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。

1.纸巾 Paper Towel

例句:I used a paper towel to clean the table. 我用纸巾擦桌子。

2.垃圾桶 Trash Can

例句:Please throw the garbage in the trash can. 请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。

3.扫帚 Broom

例句:She used the broom to sweep the floor. 她用扫帚扫地。

4.拖把 Mop

例句:I used the mop to clean the floor. 我用拖把擦地板。

5.抹布 Cloth

例句:She used the cloth to clean the glass. 她用抹布擦玻璃。

6.刷子 Brush

例句:I used the paintbrush to paint the wall. 我用刷子刷墙。

7.剪刀 Scissors

例句:I used the scissors to cut the paper. 我用剪刀剪纸。

8.胶带 Tape

例句:I used tape to stick the paper on the wall. 我用胶带把纸粘在墙上。

9.橡皮擦 Eraser

例句:I used the eraser to erase the pencil marks. 我用橡皮擦擦去铅笔痕迹。

10.尺子 Ruler

例句:I used the ruler to measure the distance between the two points. 我用尺子量了两个点之间的距离。

11.文件夹 Folder

例句:Please put the documents in the folder. 请把文件放进文件夹。

12.笔记本 Notebook

例句:I took notes in the notebook during the meeting. 我在会议期间在笔记本上做笔记。

13.铅笔盒 Pencil Case

例句:My pencils are kept in the pencil case. 我的铅笔都放在铅笔盒里。

14.橡皮筋 Elastic Band

例句:I used the elastic band to tie my hair. 我用橡皮筋绑头发。

15.订书机 Stapler

例句:I used the stapler to staple the documents together. 我用订书机把文件订在一起。

16.胶水 Glue

例句:I used glue to stick the paper on the board. 我用胶水把纸粘在板上。

17.剪刀 Scissors

例句:I used scissors to cut the cardboard. 我用剪刀剪纸板。

18.固定夹 Clip

例句:I used the paperclip to attach the document to the letter. 我用回形针把文件附在信上。

19.放大镜 Magnifier

例句:I used the magnifier to read the small print. 我使用放大镜阅读小字。

20.订书钉 Staple

例句:I used a staple to secure the paper together. 我用一个订书钉 把纸钉 在一起。

21.标签贴纸 Label

例句:I used a label to identify the contents of the box. 我用标签贴纸标明箱子的内容。

22.便条纸 Note Paper

例句:I wrote a note on the note paper and left it on the table. 我在便条纸上写了一张便条,然后放在桌子上。

23.钉 Pins and Nails

例句:I used nails to secure the board to the wall. 我用钉子把板子钉 在墙上。

24.螺丝刀 Screwdriver

例句:I used a screwdriver to tighten the screws on the door. 我用螺丝刀拧紧门上的螺丝。





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