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A long time ago,there was a poor boy named Tom. He had a dream of becoming a doctor,but he could not afford to pay for the expensive medical school.

A long time ago,there was a poor boy named Tom. He had a dream of becoming a doctor,but he could not afford to pay for the expensive medical school.

One day,he was walking through the city when he saw a newspaper advertisement for a medical school scholarship. He applied for the scholarship and was chosen as one of the winners. The scholarship covered all of his tuition fees,and he was able to attend the medical school.

Tom studied hard and graduated with honors. He then began practicing medicine and became a respected doctor. His patients loved him because he was always caring and helpful.

One day,a patient came to see him who had a rare disease. Tom had never seen such a disease before,so he decided to do some research on it. He read books and articles and talked to other doctors. After a week,he finally found a cure for the disease.

Tom's reputation spread quickly throughout the city. He was known as the doctor who always cared about his patients and worked hard to find cures for their diseases. Many people came to him for treatment,and he was always happy to help them.

What a difference a little kindness can make!

1.What was Tom's dream?

A. To become a doctor.

B. To become a lawyer.

C. To become a teacher.

D. To become a policeman.

2.How did Tom afford to pay for his medical school education?

A. His parents paid for it.

B. He received a scholarship.

C. He took out a loan from the bank.

D. He had a part-time job.

3.Why did Tom's patients love him?

A. Because he was always friendly and helpful.

B. Because he was always caring and thoughtful.

C. Because he was very good-looking and handsome.

D. Because he always dressed smartly and stylishly.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Tom was always successful in treating his patients.

B. Tom was not afraid to try new methods to cure diseases.

C. Tom was not very good at communicating with his patients.

D. Tom only treated his patients because they could pay him well.

5.What is the moral of the story?

A. It is easy to achieve your dreams if you work hard and believe in yourself.

B. You should always try to help others even if you can't afford it yourself.

C. A little kindness can go a long way in helping others and making a difference in their lives.

D. You should never judge a person by their appearance or background alone.


1.答案:A. To become a doctor.


2.答案:B. He received a scholarship.


3.答案:B. Because he was always caring and thoughtful.


4.答案:B. Tom was not afraid to try new methods to cure diseases.


5.C. A little kindness can go a long way in helping others and making a difference in their lives.

文章讲述了Tom通过自己的努力和善良的心,最终实现了自己的梦想,成为了一名受人尊敬的医生的故事。文章最后提到“What a difference a little kindness can make!”,强调了善良的心可以对别人的生活产生很大的影响。因此,文章的道德启示是:一点点的善良可以对别人的生活产生很大的影响,我们应该多关心别人,用善良的心去帮助别人。因此,答案为C。





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