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Once upon a time,there was a lazy boy named Tom. He always thought of easy ways to do everything. One day,he decided to go hunting in the forest.


Once upon a time,there was a lazy boy named Tom. He always thought of easy ways to do everything. One day,he decided to go hunting in the forest. He thought it would be easy to catch some animals. However,he couldn't find any animals to hunt. He was tired and hungry after walking for a whole day. Then,he found a big tree and sat down to rest. Suddenly,he heard a voice coming from the tree. It was an old man. The old man said,“Why do you want to catch animals? You can't even climb this tree!” Tom tried to climb the tree but failed.

The old man said,“You see,there are many things that you can't do. You should find out what you are good at and try to do it better.” Tom realized his mistake and thanked the old man. From then on,he began to work hard and became a successful person.

1.Tom is lazy and always thinks of easy ways to do everything.

2.Tom decided to go hunting in the forest because he thought it would be easy to catch some animals.

3.Tom caught some animals after walking for a whole day.

4.The old man on the tree told Tom that he couldn't climb the tree.

5.Tom realized his mistake and began to work hard,and he became successful.


1.正确。根据原文描述,“There was a lazy boy named Tom. He always thought of easy ways to do everything.”(有一个懒惰的男孩叫汤姆。他总是想出简单的方法去做每一件事情。)可以看出,Tom确实是懒惰的,并且他总是寻找简单的方法来完成任务。因此,这个陈述是正确的。

2.正确。根据原文描述,“One day,he decided to go hunting in the forest. He thought it would be easy to catch some animals.”(有一天,他决定去森林里打猎。他认为抓一些动物很容易。)可以得知,Tom认为在森林里打猎很容易抓到动物,因此他做出了这个决定。所以这个陈述是正确的。

3.错误。根据原文描述,“However,he couldn't find any animals to hunt. He was tired and hungry after walking for a whole day.”(然而,他找不到任何动物打猎。他走了整整一天,又累又饿。)可以看出,Tom一整天都找不到动物打猎,因此这个陈述是错误的。

4.正确。根据原文描述,“It was an old man. The old man said…You can't even climb this tree!”(那是一位老人。老人说……你甚至不能爬这棵树!)可以看出,树上的老人告诉Tom他不能爬这棵树。因此,这个陈述是正确的。

5.正确。根据原文描述,“Tom realized his mistake and thanked the old man. From then on,he began to work hard and became a successful person.”(汤姆意识到自己的错误并感谢老人。从那时起,他开始努力工作,并成为了一个成功的人。)可以看出,Tom意识到了自己的错误并开始努力工作,最终取得了成功。因此,这个陈述是正确的。





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