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One day, while I was sitting in my office, my secretary announced that a gentleman was outside and wanted to see me. I told her to ask him to come in.



One day, while I was sitting in my office, my secretary announced that a gentleman was outside and wanted to see me. I told her to ask him to come in. As soon as he entered, I knew he must be a salesman. He introduced himself in a friendly manner, and we started to chat. He told me that he had some products that would help my company. After listening to him for a while, I realized that his products were not suitable for us. I tried to be as polite as possible, but finally had to tell him that we couldn't buy what he was selling. He reacted as if he had been insulted, but there was nothing I could do about it.

1.What is the meaning of the underlined word "salesman" in the passage?

A. A person who sells products or services to customers.

B. A person who works in a company and takes orders from customers.

C. A person who has a lot of money and spends it on expensive things.

D. A person who is always trying to sell things that people don't need.

2.Why did the author think the man must be a salesman when he first saw him?

A. Because the man had a suitcase with him.

B. Because the man had a friendly face.

C. Because the man was standing outside and wanted to see the author.

D. Because the man introduced himself in a friendly manner.

3.What did the salesman say when he realized that he couldn't sell his products to the author?

A. He reacted as if he had been insulted.

B. He said that he would go and find another customer.

C. He asked the author why he didn't want to buy his products.

D. He said that he would try to lower the price of his products.

4.What does the author mean when he says "After listening to him for a while,I realized that his products were not suitable for us"?

A. The products were too expensive for the company to afford.

B. The products were not what the company needed to improve its business.

C. The products were not good enough for the company's business strategy.

D. The products were not popular among the company's employees.

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A. We should always be polite to people who come to see us at work.

B. We should always be careful when dealing with salesmen at work.

C. We should always try our best to help people who come to see us at work.


1.正确答案是:A. A person who sells products or services to customers.

文章中提到"he was a salesman",意思是他是一名销售人员。因此,salesman的意思是向顾客销售产品或服务的人。

2.正确答案是:D. Because the man introduced himself in a friendly manner.


3.正确答案是:A. He reacted as if he had been insulted.


4.正确答案是:B. The products were not what the company needed to improve its business.


5.正确答案是:B. We should always be careful when dealing with salesmen at work.






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