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1.文化交流 cultural exchangeThe cultural exchange between the two countries has increased significantly in recent years. 近年来,两国之间的文化交流显著增加。

1.文化交流 cultural exchange

The cultural exchange between the two countries has increased significantly in recent years. 近年来,两国之间的文化交流显著增加。

2.传统文化 traditional culture The festival celebrates traditional culture and customs. 这个节日庆祝传统文化和习俗。

3.文化遗产 cultural heritage The country's cultural heritage is rich and diverse. 这个国家的文化遗产丰富而多元。

4.文化遗址 cultural relic The cultural relics were discovered during the archaeological excavation. 这些文物是在考古挖掘期间被发现的。

5.风俗习惯 customs and habits The customs and habits of the local people are unique to the region. 当地人的风俗习惯是这个地区所独有的。

6.民间艺术 folk art The folk art of paper cutting originated in China. 剪纸艺术起源于中国。

7.神话传说 mythology and legend The mythology and legends of ancient Greece have survived for thousands of years. 古希腊的神话传说已经流传了数千年。

8.民间故事 folktale The folktales of different cultures often share similar themes and plots. 不同文化的民间故事往往有相似的主题和情节。

9.艺术形式 artistic form The artistic form of the Renaissance period was highly influenced by Greek and Roman culture. 文艺复兴时期的艺术形式受到希腊和罗马文化的高度影响。

10.传统手工艺 traditional craftsmanship The traditional craftsmanship of paper-making has been passed down through generations. 造纸的传统工艺已经传承了数代。

11.诗歌 poetry The beauty of the poetry was lost in the translation. 这首诗的美感在翻译中消失了。

12.绘画艺术 painting The painter's masterpiece captured the essence of Chinese landscape painting. 画家的杰作捕捉到了中国山水画的精髓。

13.书法 calligraphy Calligraphy is an important part of Chinese culture. 书法是中国文化的重要组成部分。

14.音乐 music The traditional music of China has a rich and diverse heritage. 中国传统音乐有着丰富多样的遗产。

15.舞蹈 dance The dancer performed a graceful ballet at the party. 舞者在晚会上表演了一段优雅的芭蕾舞。

16.戏曲 opera The actors in the traditional opera performed their roles with great talent. 传统戏曲的演员们以高超的技艺扮演着自己的角色。

17.建筑艺术 architecture The architecture of the ancient city is a mirror of its past. 这座古城的建筑是它过去的写照。

18.园林景观 landscape garden The garden is a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design. 这个花园是中国园林景观设计中的杰作。

19.礼仪礼节 etiquette The host greeted the guests with great etiquette. 主人用很正式的礼仪迎接了客人。

20.风俗习惯 custom The customs and traditions of the country are unique to its culture. 这个国家的风俗习惯是其文化的独特之处。





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