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1.传统美德 traditional virtueThe traditional virtue of the Chinese nation includes respect for elders, love for the young, and a sense of righteousness. 中华民族的传统美德包括尊老爱幼、讲仁义。

1.传统美德 traditional virtue

The traditional virtue of the Chinese nation includes respect for elders, love for the young, and a sense of righteousness. 中华民族的传统美德包括尊老爱幼、讲仁义。

2.传统手艺 traditional craft

The traditional craft of paper-making has been passed down through generations. 造纸的传统手艺已经传承了数代。

3.传统表演 traditional performance

The traditional performance of Peking Opera has been a favorite of the elderly. 北京京剧的传统表演深受老年人的喜爱。

4.传统服装 traditional costume

The traditional costume of the ethnic group is unique to its culture. 这个民族的传统服装是其文化所独有的。

5.传统食物 traditional food

The traditional food of the region is famous for its unique taste and aroma. 该地区的传统食物以其独特的味道和香气而闻名。

6.传统农业 traditional agriculture

The traditional agriculture of the country relies mainly on natural resources. 该国的传统农业主要依赖于自然资源。

7.传统工艺技术 traditional craftsmanship

The traditional craftsmanship of the artisan is highly respected in the community. 手工艺人的传统工艺技术受到社区的高度尊重。

8.传统医学 traditional medicine Traditional medicine has a long history and plays an important role in healthcare. 传统医学有着悠久的历史,在医疗保健中发挥着重要作用。

9.传统庙宇 traditional temple

The traditional temple is a place of pilgrimage and worship for local residents. 传统庙宇是当地居民进行朝拜和祭祀的场所。

10.传统节庆 traditional festival

The traditional festival is a time for family reunion and celebration. 传统节日是家人团聚和庆祝的时刻。

11.传统礼仪 traditional etiquette

The traditional etiquette of the royal court was strict and intricate. 王宫中的传统礼仪既严格又复杂。

12.传统乐器 traditional instrument

The sound of the Chinese zither is melodious and resonant. 中国古筝的声音优美而响亮。

13.传统建筑 traditional architecture

The traditional architecture of the country is unique and well-preserved. 该国的传统建筑独特且保存完好。

14.传统织造 traditional weaving

The traditional weaving techniques of the ethnic group are still in use today. 这个民族的传统织造技术至今仍在使用。

15.传统风俗 traditional custom

The traditional customs of the region are fascinating and diverse. 该地区的传统风俗独特且丰富多样。

16.传统生活方式 traditional way of life

The traditional way of life in the village is slowly disappearing due to modernization. 由于现代化的发展,村庄的传统生活方式正在慢慢消失。

17.传统手艺 traditional craft

The traditional craftsmanship of paper-making has been passed down through generations. 造纸的传统手艺已经传承了数代。

18.传统医学 traditional medicine

Chinese traditional medicine has a long history and rich experience. 中医具有悠久的历史和丰富的经验。

19.传统庙宇 traditional temple

The annual temple fair attracts thousands of tourists. 年度的庙会吸引了成千上万的游客。

20.传统节庆 traditional festival

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. 春节是中国最重要的传统节日。





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