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1.经济体制 economic systemChina has switched to a market-oriented economic system from a planned economy. 中国已经从计划经济转向市场经济。

1.经济体制 economic system

China has switched to a market-oriented economic system from a planned economy. 中国已经从计划经济转向市场经济。

2.经济发展 economic development

The government has taken measures to promote economic development in the region. 政府已经采取措施来促进该地区的经济发展。

3.经济全球化 economic globalization

The trend of economic globalization cannot be reversed. 经济全球化的趋势不可逆转。

4.国内生产总值 GDP

The country's GDP growth rate has been slowing down. 该国的国内生产总值增长率一直在放缓。

5.通货膨胀 inflation

Inflation has been a serious problem in many countries. 通货膨胀在许多国家都是一个严重的问题。

6.失业率 unemployment rate

The unemployment rate has been rising in recent months. 近几个月失业率一直在上升。

7.货币政策 monetary policy

The central bank is responsible for formulating monetary policy. 中央银行负责制定货币政策。

8.财政政策 fiscal policy

The government is implementing fiscal policies to stimulate the economy. 政府正在实施财政政策来刺激经济。

9.国际贸易 international trade

The trade agreement will promote international trade between the two countries. 该贸易协议将促进两国之间的国际贸易。

10.投资银行 investment bank

The investment bank advised the company on its merger with another firm. 该投资银行就该公司与另一家公司的合并提供了建议。

11.股票市场 stock market

The stock market is a good place to invest your money. 股票市场是投资的好地方。

12.风险投资 venture capital

The company received $1 million in venture capital from a venture capitalist. 公司从一位风险投资家那里获得了100万美元的风险投资。

13.证券交易 securities trading The brokerage firm provides securities trading services to its clients. 该经纪公司为其客户提供证券交易服务。

14.商业计划 business plan

He presented his business plan to the investors and received positive feedback. 他向投资者展示了他的商业计划并获得了积极的反馈。

15.知识产权 intellectual property

China has made significant progress in protecting its intellectual property rights. 中国在保护知识产权方面取得了重大进展。

16.跨国公司 multinational company

The multinational company operates factories around the world. 这家跨国公司在世界各地经营工厂。

17.经济增长 economic growth

The country's economic growth has been slowing down in recent years. 该国的经济增长近年来一直在放缓。

18.贸易逆差 trade deficit

The country has a large trade deficit with its neighboring countries. 该国与其邻国之间存在较大的贸易逆差。

19.招商引资 attracting investment

The government has launched a campaign to attract more foreign investment. 政府已经发起一场吸引更多外国投资的行动。

20.技术创新 technological innovation

The company has been investing in research and technological innovation. 该公司一直在投资研发和技术创新。





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