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1.社会发展 social developmentThe government has made significant investments in social development. 政府在社会发展方面进行了大量投资。

1.社会发展 social development

The government has made significant investments in social development. 政府在社会发展方面进行了大量投资。

2.城市化 urbanization

The rapid pace of urbanization has led to the expansion of cities and urban centers. 快速的城市化进程导致了城市和城市中心的扩张。

3.基础设施建设 infrastructure development

The government has prioritized infrastructure development in its national development strategy. 政府在其国家发展战略中将基础设施建设列为优先事项。

4.医疗卫生体系 healthcare system

The government is working to improve the efficiency and quality of the healthcare system. 政府正在努力提高医疗卫生体系的效率和质量。

5.教育体系 educational system

The educational system in the country is undergoing reforms to improve its quality and inclusivity. 该国教育体系正在进行改革以提高其质量和包容性。

6.贫困问题 poverty issue

The government has implemented anti-poverty policies to address the issue of poverty in the country. 政府已经实施了扶贫政策来解决该国的贫困问题。

7.就业问题 employment issue

The government is taking measures to address the employment issue and promote job creation. 政府正在采取措施解决就业问题并促进创造就业机会。

8.社会保障 social security

The government has taken steps to improve social security coverage and benefits. 政府已经采取措施改善社会保障的覆盖范围和福利。

9.医疗卫生改革 healthcare reform

The government has launched a major initiative to reform healthcare delivery and improve access to healthcare services. 政府已经发起一项重大倡议来改革医疗服务提供并改善获得医疗服务的机会。

10.可持续发展 sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development emphasizes the balance between economic, social and environmental needs. 可持续发展的概念强调经济、社会和环境需求之间的平衡。

11.社会公平 social equity

The government has taken measures to promote social equity and reduce income inequality. 政府已经采取措施促进社会公平和减少收入不平等。

12.环境保护 environmental protection

The government has implemented a series of environmental protection policies to address the issue of climate change. 政府已经实施了一系列环保政策来解决气候变化问题。

13.人口老龄化 aging population

The aging of the population has presented challenges to the government and society. 人口老龄化给政府和社会带来了挑战。

14.家庭结构 family structure

Changes in family structure have led to a rise in single-parent families and nuclear families. 家庭结构的变化导致了单亲家庭和核心家庭数量的增加。

15.城市化进程 urbanization process

The urbanization process has led to the expansion of cities and the growth of urban centers. 城市化进程导致了城市和城市中心的扩张。

16.社会保障制度 social security system

The social security system provides a safety net for individuals and families in times of need. 社会保障制度为有需要的个人和家庭提供了一个安全网。

17.基本公共服务 basic public services

The government is committed to providing access to basic public services for all citizens. 政府致力于为所有公民提供基本公共服务的获取途径。

18.减贫扶贫poverty reduction

The government's poverty reduction efforts have led to significant progress in reducing poverty rates. 政府的减贫努力使得贫困率大幅下降。

19.社会福利 social welfare

The government has increased spending on social welfare programs to improve the lives of the most vulnerable citizens. 政府增加了对社会福利计划的支出,以改善最弱势公民的生活。

20.社会稳定 social stability

The government has taken steps to ensure social stability by promoting tolerance and inclusivity. 政府已经采取措施通过促进宽容和包容性来确保社会稳定。





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