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1.高等教育 higher educationHe completed his bachelor's degree in Business Administration through distance learning. 他通过远程教育获得了商业管理学士学位。

1.高等教育 higher education

He completed his bachelor's degree in Business Administration through distance learning. 他通过远程教育获得了商业管理学士学位。

2.职业教育 vocational education

The school offers a range of vocational courses to students. 学校为学生提供一系列的职业课程。

3.基础教育 fundamental education

All children should receive a good foundation in education. 所有儿童都应该接受良好的基础教育。

4.义务教育 compulsory education

The government has made it compulsory for all children to receive at least nine years of education. 政府规定所有儿童必须接受至少九年的教育。

5.教育体制 educational system

The country's educational system is highly regarded for its quality and inclusivity. 该国教育体系因其高质量和包容性而备受赞誉。

6.教育资源 educational resources

The government has invested in developing educational resources for students with special needs. 政府已经投资开发针对有特殊需求学生的教育资源。

7.教育公平 educational equity

The government is working to ensure that all students have equal access to education. 政府正在努力确保所有学生享有平等的受教育机会。

8.教学方法 teaching methods

The teacher used a variety of teaching methods to make the subject more interesting for the students. 老师运用了多种教学方法使这个学科更加有趣。

9.教学质量 teaching quality

The government has taken steps to improve the quality of teaching in primary schools. 政府已经采取措施提高小学教学质量。

10.校园文化 campus culture

The campus culture at this university is very rich and diverse. 这所大学的校园文化非常丰富和多元。

11.学术氛围 academic atmosphere

The school prides itself on its vibrant academic atmosphere. 该校以其活跃的学术氛围而自豪。

12.学费 tuition fee

The tuition fee for the coming semester has been announced. 下学期的学费已经公布了。

13.奖学金 scholarship

He received a scholarship to study abroad. 他获得了留学奖学金。

14.校园生活 campus life

The campus life at this university is very enriching and enjoyable. 这所大学的校园生活非常充实和愉快。

15.课程设置 curriculum setting

The school has reviewed its curriculum to make it more relevant to modern society. 学校已经审查了课程设置,使其更符合现代社会。

16.教学方法 teaching approach

The teacher used an interactive teaching approach to engage the students. 老师使用了互动式教学方法来吸引学生。

17.师资力量 teaching faculty

The school boasts a highly qualified teaching faculty. 该校拥有高素质的师资队伍。

18.实践教学 practical teaching

The course emphasized on practical teaching and skills training. 该课程注重实践教学和技能培训。

19.学术研究 academic research

The professor is well-known for his academic research in the field of psychology. 该教授因其心理学领域的学术研究而闻名。

20.学术期刊 academic journal

He published his research in an academic journal. 他在学术期刊上发表了他的研究。





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