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One day, while walking along the river, I saw a boat floating towards me. As it got closer, I realized it was carrying a group of people. I could see that they were chanting and dancing.

One day, while walking along the river, I saw a boat floating towards me. As it got closer, I realized it was carrying a group of people. I could see that they were chanting and dancing. I asked one of the people on the boat what they were doing and he replied, "We're going to have a boat party."

I decided to join them and we set off towards the middle of the river. The boat was decorated with balloons and streamers. The music was loud and everyone was singing and dancing. It was a great atmosphere.

After a while, I decided to go for a swim. I jumped into the water and started swimming. It was a refreshing feeling. I looked back at the boat and everyone was waving at me. I waved back and continued swimming.

Later, I got back on the boat and we continued to party. Everyone was having a great time. The music was so loud that we couldn't hear each other speak. But no one minded because we were all enjoying ourselves.

Finally, it was time to go home. We said our goodbyes and got ready to leave. I hopped into my car and drove away. I looked back and saw the boat still floating on the river. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

1.What was the first person the author met on the boat?

A. The captain.

B. One of the passengers.

C. The boat owner.

D. None of the above.

2.What does the author remember most about the boat party?

A. The music and dancing.

B. The refreshing swim.

C. The decorations on the boat.

D. The perfect ending of the day.

3.When did the author decide to join the boat party?

A. While walking along the river.

B. When he saw the boat carrying a group of people.

C. After he saw the boat was decorated with balloons and streamers.

D. After he heard the music and everyone was singing and dancing.

4.What does the author remember least about the boat party?

A. The noise level of the music.

B. The decorations on the boat.

C. The number of people on the boat.

D. The name of the river where the boat party took place.


1.答案:B. One of the passengers.


2.答案:A. The music and dancing.

在文章第二段中,作者提到“It was a great atmosphere.”,表明作者记得当时的氛围非常好,音乐和舞蹈都非常热闹,因此选项A是正确答案。

3.答案:D. After he heard the music and everyone was singing and dancing.


4.答案:D. The name of the river where the boat party took place.






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