
好莱坞巨星汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)传新恋情啦,对方是36岁的俄罗斯名媛Elsina Khayrova。自2012年和前妻Katie Holmes离婚后,这是汤姆·克鲁斯首次公开新恋情。

好莱坞巨星汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)传新恋情啦,对方是36岁的俄罗斯名媛Elsina Khayrova。

自2012年和前妻Katie Holmes离婚后,这是汤姆·克鲁斯首次公开新恋情。汤姆·克鲁斯和Elsina Khayrova相差25岁,不过,这也没有什么稀奇的,这种老少搭配在娱乐圈并不少见。


There may be a new addition to Tom Cruise’ annual Christmas bundt cake list as he’s reportedly dating socialite Elsina Khayrova, 36.

汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)的年度圣诞蛋糕清单上可能又要多一个新成员了,据报道,他正在与36岁的社交名媛Elsina Khayrova约会。

Elsina, the ex-wife of a diamond-trading oligarch and daughter of a prominent Russian MP, was seen canoodling in London’s Mayfair with the 61-year-old Mission impossible star.

Elsina 是钻石贸易寡头的前妻,也是俄罗斯著名议员的女儿,有人看到她在伦敦梅菲尔区与这位61岁的《碟中谍》明星非常亲昵。

Tom has been in the UK filming action-packed scenes for Mission Impossible 8, and showing off his new long hair as he did his own stunts – as always – with a helicopter.


The Hollywood star and his new flame are said to have arrived at the party in Grosvenor Square together at around 9pm last Saturday, shocking the other guests.


‘They were inseparable, clearly a couple,’ one guest at the event told the Daily Mail. ‘He seemed to be besotted with her.’


Having caught up with friends and posed for pictures, Elsina, in a strapless black gown with a sparkling bow, took to the dancefloor with the Top Gun icon.



汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)1962年7月3日出生于美国纽约,是一位颜值与实力并重的好莱坞巨星,他出演的电视剧《壮志凌云》、《碟中谍》、《木兰花》等为他赢得了不少粉丝和奖项。

Elsina Khayrova来头也不小,她出身于俄罗斯议员家庭,从小接受的就是高级教育。其前夫是钻石富商,两人曾拥有的共同财产价值过亿。


However, it’s Elsina’s ex-husband Dmitry, 43, who has spoken up about her reported new love interest.

然而,据报道,Elsina的前夫、43 岁的Dmitry)公开谈论了她的新恋人。

‘Irrespective of whoever she’s with, Tom Cruise or anybody else, they should be aware that she likes the finer things in life and has expensive and luxurious taste. Tom should keep his eyes and wallet wide open,’ the oligarch told the Daily Mail.


Despite the warning, Dmitry insisted that he’s ‘happy’ for his former spouse and wanted to ‘wish her all the best.’

尽管有警告,Dmitry 坚称他为前妻感到“高兴”,并希望“祝她一切顺利”。

Elsina and Dmitry were married for 11 years and endured a highly publicised lengthy divorce that took three years to be finalised. Dmitry claimed he spent £10million on clothes and a further £2m on bags for his former spouse during their decade-long marriage.

Elsina 和Dmitry 结婚11年,经历了备受关注的漫长离婚过程,历经三年时间才彻底结束。Dmitry 声称,在长达十年的婚姻中,他为前妻花了1000万英镑买衣服,又花了200万英镑买包。

His eye-watering wealth is said to have plummeted from £200m to £50m as a result of the marriage and divorce, while Elsina was awarded her expensive clothes and handbags in the settlement.

据说,由于结婚和离婚,他令人垂涎的财富从2亿英镑暴跌至5000万英镑,而Elsina 在和解中获得了昂贵的衣服和手袋。


看来和Elsina 的这段婚姻让钻石寡头的财富锐减了不少啊,他到现在说起来都很肉痛。据说Elsina 曾隐瞒了大量资产,还试图转移共同财产,这也意味着,Elsina 可不是什么省油的灯,不少网友为阿汤哥捏了一把汗。

不过,汤姆·克鲁斯对Dmitry 的警告并不怎么在意就是了。

Tom Cruise is already thinking about his ‘long term’ future with rumored new partner Elsina Khayrova, it has been claimed.

据称,汤姆·克鲁斯已经在考虑与传闻中的新伴侣Elsina Khayrova的“长期”未来了。

The Mission: Impossible actor, 61, was linked to the Russian socialite earlier this month, after they were spotted getting very close on a dancefloor.


While they have yet to go public with their relationship, the 36-year-old’s ex-husband issued a warning to the Hollywood star over their spark.


An insider has since claimed that Tom didn’t want to rush into anything, but is said to be ‘very confident’ in their bond.


‘They’re very happy,’ they said. ‘And Tom’s extremely confident about it working out for the long term.


‘They’ve hung out at Tom’s favorite private members club and regularly enjoy afternoon tea and gourmet dinners out in London.


61岁的阿汤哥再次坠入爱河,不少网友送上祝福的同时也为他担忧不已,毕竟Elsina 可不是普通的柔弱妇女。不管未来发展如何,曾经携手并进过,也是一种幸福,祝福他们!

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