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Tom loved reading books. One day, he found a bookshop near his house. He was very happy because he could buy books easily. The next day, he went to the bookshop and bought a science book.


Tom loved reading books. One day, he found a bookshop near his house. He was very happy because he could buy books easily. The next day, he went to the bookshop and bought a science book. The book was very interesting. He read it every day. After a week, he finished the book and decided to buy another one. This time, he chose a storybook. It was even more interesting than the science book. Tom liked it very much and couldn't put it down.

1.Tom's hobby was _______.

A. buying books

B. reading books

C. selling books

D. writing books

2.How did Tom feel when he found the bookshop?

A. Sad.

B. Angry.

C. Happy.

D. Surprised.

3.What kind of book did Tom buy first?

A. A science book.

B. A storybook.

C. A novel.

D. A comic book.

4.How long did it take Tom to finish the science book?

A. A day.

B. A week.

C. A month.

D. A year.

5.Which book did Tom like better?

A. The science book.

B. The storybook.

C. Both books were the same.

D. We don't know.


1.B。短文中明确提到“Tom loved reading books”,说明Tom的爱好是读书。

2.C。短文中提到“He was very happy because he could buy books easily”,说明Tom发现书店后感到很高兴。

3.A。短文中提到“he went to the bookshop and bought a science book”,说明Tom第一次买的是一本科学书。

4.B。短文中提到“After a week, he finished the book”,说明Tom用了一周的时间读完了这本科学书。

5.B。短文中提到“This time, he chose a storybook. It was even more interesting than the science book. Tom liked it very much”,说明Tom更喜欢故事书。





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