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双语:国家发展改革委负责人表示 从六方面促进民营经济发展

国家发展改革委主任郑栅洁2日表示,国家发展改革委将会同有关方面,从加快推进民营经济促进法立法进程等6个方面采取更多务实举措,切实疏堵点、提信心、破壁垒、解难题、抓落实,努力让民营企业有感有得。[Photo/Xinhua]China has announced concrete measures in six are



China has announced concrete measures in six areas to enhance support for the private economy, following previous measures rolled out in 2023 that saw private enterprises register high trade and investment growth.


Zheng Shanjie, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, said on Tuesday that more pragmatic measures will be taken in six areas. He made the statement at a themed conference on the private economy's high-quality development, held in Jinjiang, East China's Fujian province.


The six areas are as follows: accelerating the legislative process of the law on the promotion of the private economy; improving multi-level communications and exchanges and listening to the real voices of private enterprises; strengthening the analysis of the private economy's development; attracting more private capital to participate in major national engineering projects, such as railways and nuclear power, as well as in others covering energy, water facilities, and ecological and environmental protection; promulgating good practices and cases for mutual learning; and improving work mechanisms with a view to better serving the private economy's development.


A series of policies to promote the development of the private economy was introduced in 2023. "With the implementation of these policies and measures, the development of the private economy has shown a general trend of steady progress and steady improvement," Zheng said.


Government data shows that from January to November 2023, the imports and exports of private enterprises increased by 6.1 percent year-on-year. Excluding investment in the real-estate sector, private investment increased by 9.1 percent year-on-year during the same period.



support for 对……的支持

private economy 私营经济 ; 私有经济,私人经济

private enterprises 民营企业 ; 私营企业 ; 私人企业 ; 民企 ; 民营经济

economic planner 经济规划师 ; 经济规划人员

pragmatic 实用的,讲求实效的,务实的 ; <语>语用的

themed 特定主题的 ; 特定历史时期的

Fujian province 福建省


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