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Participants of the World Economic Forum taking pictures on the last day of the forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Friday, January 19, 2024. /CFPThe World Economic Forum (WEF) concluded its 2024 annual meeting on Friday, with attending globa

Participants of the World Economic Forum taking pictures on the last day of the forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Friday, January 19, 2024. /CFP
Participants of the World economic Forum taking pictures on the last day of the forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Friday, January 19, 2024. /CFP
The World Economic Forum (WEF) concluded its 2024 annual meeting on Friday, with attending global leaders focusing on themes like rebuilding trust, global challenges and risks.


WEF president Borge Brende, in his closing remarks, acknowledged the critical and complex challenges facing the world, including rising global temperatures, a fragile economy, and a deteriorating security landscape.


The leaders also underscored other significant global risks, such as geopolitical tensions, and raised concerns related to artificial intelligence technology at the five-day meeting.


Many participants called for rebuilding trust, emphasizing the need for strengthened cooperation.


"We must rebuild trust – trust in our future, trust in our capacity to overcome challenges, and most importantly, trust in each other," Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder and executive chairman, said.


Chinese Premier Li Qiang presented five proposals on rebuilding trust and enhancing economic cooperation at the WEF 2024 opening ceremony.


The proposals are: strengthening macroeconomic policy coordination, strengthening international industrial specialization and collaboration, strengthening international exchanges and cooperation on science and technology, strengthening cooperation on green development, and strengthening North-South and South-South cooperation.


"Only when all sides treat each other with sincerity and work in the same direction can there be a stronger foundation of trust and more fruits of cooperation," he said.


Close to 3,000 participants from more than 120 countries were gathered in Davos, Switzerland, for the 54th WEF annual meeting. More than 450 sessions and workshops took place during the event, facilitating dialogue, debate and alignment across many perspectives.



World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛

annual meeting 年会 ; 股东年会;年度股东大会

on Friday 周五 ; 星期五 ; 在星期五 ; 星期几

Borge 博格 ; 博尔格

such as 例如 ; ……等 ; 像 ; 像……这样,像……那种 ; 诸如……之类

artificial intelligence technology 人工智能技术

need for 需要… ; 需要 ; 需求

trust in 信任 ; 相信 ; 信赖 ; 倚靠

capacity to 的能力 ; …的能力

each other 彼此,互相


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