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1、Landlady 女房东 例句:I'm the new tenant. Could I have a look at the property first? 我是新来的房客,我可以先看看房子吗?


1、Landlady 女房东

例句:I'm the new tenant. Could I have a look at the property first? 我是新来的房客,我可以先看看房子吗?

2、Landlord 房东

例句:The landlord has given me a week to make up my mind about the lease. 房东给我一周的时间来决定是否签租约。

3、Rent 租金

例句:The rent for this property is $1000 per month. 这处房产的租金是每月1000美元。

4、Deposit 押金

例句:I'll need to pay a deposit of two months' rent in advance. 我需要提前支付两个月的押金。

5、Contract 合同

例句:We need to sign a contract before you move in. 在你入住之前,我们需要签订一份合同。

6、Furnished 有家具电器的

例句:This apartment is furnished with basic furniture and appliances. 这间公寓配有基本的家具和电器。

7、Heat 暖气

例句:The heat is provided by central heating system in this building. 这栋楼的暖气是由中央供暖系统提供的。

8、Gas 煤气

例句:We use gas for cooking and heating in this household. 我们家用煤气做饭和取暖。

9、Electricity 电

例句:Please pay the electricity bill for the last month. 请支付上个月的电费。

10、Lift 电梯

例句:The building has a lift for convenient access to upper floors. 这栋楼有电梯,方便前往高层。

11、Stairs 楼梯

例句:I prefer to take the stairs instead of the elevator because it's healthier. 我更喜欢走楼梯而不是乘电梯,因为这样更健康。

12、Balcony 阳台

例句:I love sitting on the balcony in the morning with a cup of coffee. 我喜欢早上在阳台上喝杯咖啡。

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