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1、Put through 接通电话 例句:The operator put the call through after a moment. 接线员一会儿就将电话接通了。


1、Put through 接通电话

例句:The operator put the call through after a moment. 接线员一会儿就将电话接通了。

2、Long-distance call 长途电话

例句:He received a long-distance call from his sister in New York. 他接到姐姐从纽约打来的长途电话。

3、Operator 接线员

例句:The operator connected the call and put the receiver down. 接线员接通了电话,然后放下听筒。

4、Collect call 对方付费的电话

例句:I dialed her number and asked for a collect call. 我拨了她的号码,要求对方付费接听。

5、Personal phone call 私人电话

例句:I'm sorry, but this is a personal phone call. 对不起,这是一次私人通话。

6、Leave a message 留口信

例句:If she's not there, ask her to leave a message. 如果她不在,请她留个口信。

7、Dial the wrong number 拨错号码

例句:I dialed the wrong number and got a strange voice on the other end. 我拨错了号码,另一头传来一个陌生的声音。

8、Call/Telephone/Ring/Phone sb. 给某人打电话

例句:I need to telephone my parents and tell them about the news. 我需要给我父母打电话,告诉他们这个消息。

9、Who's speaking? 请问是哪位?

例句:Who's speaking, please? 请问是哪位?

10、I'll call back later/again. 我一会再打。

例句:I'll call you back later to confirm the meeting time. 我稍后给你打电话确认会议时间。

11、Hello! This is… speaking. 喂!我是……

例句:Hello! This is John Smith. 喂!我是约翰·史密斯。

12、I couldn’t get through. 我打不通。

例句:I tried calling you but I couldn't get through. 我试着给你打电话,但是打不通。

13、The line is bad/busy/engaged. /Itkept a busy line. 电话占线。

例句:I'm sorry, the line is engaged. 抱歉,电话占线了。

14、Hold the line/Hold on, please. 稍等一会儿,不要挂断电话。

例句:Hold on, please, while I connect you to his extension. 请稍等一会儿,我帮您转接到他的分机。

15、Extension 6226, please. 请转接6226分机。

例句:Could you put me through to extension 6226, please? 您能帮我接通6226分机吗?

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