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Our school library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. You can borrow books or magazines there. But you can't take them out of the library. You must read them in the reading room. And you can't lend them to others.To borrow books, you need a

Our school library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. You can borrow books or magazines there. But you can't take them out of the library. You must read them in the reading room. And you can't lend them to others.

To borrow books, you need a library card. You can get a card from the library office. You need to write your name and class on the card.

The library has many kinds of books, such as storybooks, science books, history books and so on. You can choose the ones you are interested in.

The library is a good place to study. It's quiet there. You can read books or do homework there.

( ) 6. The school library is open for ____ hours a day.

A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9

( ) 7. You can't take the books out of the library. You must read them in the ____.

A. classroom B. office C. library D. reading room

( ) 8. To borrow books, you need a ____.

A. book B. magazine C. card D. room

( ) 9. The library has many kinds of books, such as ____ books, ____ books and ____ books.

A. story; science; history B. story; history; science

C. science; history; story D. history; story; science

( ) 10. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Our School B. The School Library

C. Borrow Books D. Do Homework


6、正确答案是:C. 8

根据原文"Our school library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day."可知,学校图书馆每天从早上9点到下午5点开放,共开放8个小时,因此答案为C。

7、正确答案是:D. reading room

在原文中提到:“But you can't take them out of the library. You must read them in the reading room.”(但是你不能把它们带出图书馆。你必须在阅览室阅读。)因此,答案为D,即阅览室。

8、正确答案是:C. card

在原文中提到:“To borrow books,you need a library card.”(要借书,你需要一张图书馆借书证。)因此,正确答案是C,即借书证。

9、正确答案是:B. story; history; science

在原文中提到“The library has many kinds of books,such as storybooks,science books,history books and so on.”,意思是图书馆有很多种类的书,如故事书、科学书、历史书等等。因此,正确答案是B,即故事书、历史书和科学书。

10、正确答案是:B. The School Library

文章主要介绍了学校图书馆的情况,包括开放时间、借书方式、书籍种类等,因此最适合的标题是“The School Library”(学校图书馆)。其他选项如“Our School”(我们的学校)、“Borrow Books”(借书)和“Do Homework”(做作业)都没有直接涉及文章的主要内容。

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