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Welcome to our city zoo! Here you can see many interesting animals.In the lion house, you can see two big lions. They are from Africa. They like to sleep a lot during the day, but at night they are active. They can run very fast and jump high.In the el

Welcome to our city zoo! Here you can see many interesting animals.

In the lion house, you can see two big lions. They are from Africa. They like to sleep a lot during the day, but at night they are active. They can run very fast and jump high.

In the elephant house, there is a big elephant. It's from Asia. It has a long nose and big ears. It eats a lot of grass and trees every day.

Near the elephant house, there is a monkey mountain. Many monkeys are playing there. Some are climbing trees, some are jumping up and down, and others are eating fruits.

There is also a bird house. You can see many beautiful birds there. Some are singing, some are flying, and some are standing on the branches.

Come and see these animals. You will have a great time here!

( ) 21. How many lions are there in the lion house?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( ) 22. Where are the lions from?

A. Asia. B. Africa. C. Europe. D. America.

( ) 23. What does the elephant eat every day?

A. A lot of meat. B. A lot of grass and trees.

C. A lot of fruits. D. A lot of fish.

( ) 24. What are the monkeys doing on the monkey mountain?

A. They are playing. B. They are eating.

C. They are sleeping. D. They are climbing.

( ) 25. What can you do in the city zoo?

A. See many interesting animals. B. Play with the animals.

C. Climb the trees. D. Eat a lot of fruits.


21、正确答案是:B. Two.


22、正确答案是:B. Africa.


23、正确答案是:B. A lot of grass and trees.


24、正确答案是:A. They are playing.


25、正确答案是:A. See many interesting animals.


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