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很多上班族由于白天上班没时间运动只能选择到健身房跑步锻炼身体,那么,在跑步机上怎么跑才正确呢?下面是YJBYS小编整理的安全使用跑步机的方法,希望对你有帮助!While treadmills are among the most popular pieces of fitness equipment, they can be dangerous.虽然跑步机是最受欢迎的健身设备之一


While treadmills are among the most popular pieces of fitness equipment, they can be dangerous.


More people are injured by treadmills than any other piece of exercise equipment, according to the US Consumer product Safety Commission. More than 22,000 treadmill injuries resulted in hospital emergency room visits in 2019, a spokesperson for the federal agency told CNN.


Typical injuries include slips, sprains and strains, but treadmills can also cause serious burns, concussions, broken bones and even death, although the latter is rare.


Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to use a treadmill safely, experts said.


First, make sure you’re wearing well-fitting exercise clothing and sturdy shoes. Before getting on the machine, warm up with stretches and range-of-motion exercises, said Clark Stevenson, owner of Treadmill Doctor, a treadmill repair company based in Memphis, Tennessee. Then step onto the machine and securely attach the safety key to your shirt. If you should become at risk of falling off of the treadmill, the safety key will immediately turn off the machine.


Next, straddle the belt, then turn on the treadmill to a slow speed. Stevenson recommended 1 mile per hour (1.6 kilometers per hour). Get your bearings with the belt movement, then step on and walk slowly for a while before changing the speed or incline. When your workout is over, turn off the machine and make sure it has stopped before stepping off.


Neglecting to use the safety key is one of the top mistakes Stevenson said treadmill users make. “Walking on a treadmill without a safety key is like driving without a seat belt,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of the time you won’t have to use it, but when you need it, you really need it.”


Certified strength and conditioning specialist Kyle Firmstone has seen many problematic treadmill activities. Firmstone said you shouldn’t walk too close to the console, jump off and on while the machine is still in motion, or set the treadmill to a speed faster than you can handle.


"Talking to other people can be problematic, too,” Firmstone said. “I’ve seen people fly off the end because they were looking in a different direction than they were running, which throws off your proprioception (your body’s ability to sense motion and location).”


When you’re using a treadmill at home, make sure there is plenty of clearance behind the machine, Stevenson said. Should you happen to fall off, you’ll need a safe spot to land. While many manufacturers say you only need 3 or 4 feet of clearance, Stevenson recommended 6 feet (1.8 meters). At his own home, he has 8 feet (2.4 meters) of clearance because he is 6’2” tall.


Maintaining the belt with a silicone lubricant according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and keeping the machine clean are also important, he said, and never use the treadmill when an unattended child or pet is in the room.


"You should never have a child in the same room as an operating treadmill,” Stevenson said. “That’s asking for trouble. All it takes is a split second for a kid to put his hand on the belt or underneath.”


No matter your age, don’t overdo it if you’re new to treadmill use. Your body will need time to acclimate to this new form of exercise. While similar to walking or running outside, doing the same on a treadmill is not identical, due to the moving belt.



fitness equipment 健身器材 ; 健身设备 ; 健身器械 ; 健身路径

any other 其他的 ; 任何其他的 ; 其他任何一个

exercise equipment 健身器材 ; 运动器材 ; 健身设备 ; 健身器械 ; 训练设备

according to 根据 ; 按照 ; 按 ; 依照 ; 据

Consumer Product Safety Commission 消费品安全委员会 ; 消费产品安全委员会

More than 超过,超出,超出……的 ; 比……更 ; 非常,极其 ; 比……更重要 ; 超出需要,超乎寻常

emergency room 急诊室(缩略形式为ER)

federal agency 联邦机构

and even 甚至 ; 乃至

easy to 容易 ; 【法】易于


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  • 跑步机 安全地
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