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151、be careful about / of / with 当心…… Be careful about what you say, as it might offend someone. 当心你说的话,可能会冒犯到别人。

151、be careful about / of / with 当心……

Be careful about what you say, as it might offend someone. 当心你说的话,可能会冒犯到别人。

Be careful of the steps, it's slippery outside. 当心台阶,外面很滑。

Be careful with the glass, it's very fragile. 小心这个玻璃,它非常易碎。

152、be careful not to do sth 当心(不要 做某事

Be careful not to spill the coffee while pouring it. 倒咖啡时要小心不要洒出来。

Be careful to lock the door when you leave. 离开时别忘了锁门。

153、be careless about / with 对……粗心大意

He is always careless about his appearance. 他总是对自己的外表粗心大意。

Be careful with your work, don't be careless. 工作时要认真,不要粗心。

154、carry on 继续进行;开展

Carry on with your work, we'll discuss it later. 继续你的工作,我们稍后再讨论。

Let's carry on with the meeting. 我们继续开会吧。

155、carry out 执行;实行

The plan was carried out successfully. 计划执行得很成功。

We need to carry out the decision made in the meeting. 我们需要执行会议上的决定。

156、catch a cold 感冒

I think I caught a cold because of the cold weather. 我觉得是因为天气太冷,所以我感冒了。

Make sure you wrap up warm to avoid catching a cold. 穿得暖和点,以免感冒。

157、be / get caught in 处于困境;遭遇

She got caught in a traffic jam and missed the meeting. 她遇到了交通堵塞,错过了会议。

He was caught in a difficult situation and didn't know what to do. 他陷入了困境,不知道该怎么办。

158、catch sb's eye 引起某人的注意

Her beautiful dress caught everyone's eye at the party. 她在派对上穿的漂亮裙子吸引了所有人的目光。

The cat suddenly jumped up and caught the baby's eye. 猫突然跳了起来,引起了婴儿的注意。

159、catch up with 赶上(…… ;追上(……

I'll catch up with you after I finish this last bite of apple. 我吃完这最后一口苹果就赶上你。

The runner caught up with the leader in the last lap. 跑步者在最后一圈追上了领先者。

160、cause ... to do sth 导致……做某事

The bad weather caused us to cancel the outdoor activity. 坏天气导致我们取消了户外活动。

The noise outside caused me to wake up early. 外面的噪音导致我早早地醒了。

161、in the center of 在……中间

There's a beautiful statue in the center of the square. 广场中央有一座美丽的雕像。

The library is located in the center of the city. 图书馆位于市中心。

162、be certain to do sth 肯定做某事

I'm certain to win the race if I train hard enough. 如果我努力训练,我肯定能在比赛中获胜。

Be certain to check your work before submitting it. 提交之前一定要检查你的工作。

163、be certain about / of sth 对某事有把握

I'm certain about my decision, I think it's the right thing to do. 我对我的决定很有把握,我认为这是正确的做法。

Are you certain of the information you provided? 你对你提供的信息有把握吗?

164、chance for sb to do sth 某人 做某事的机会

She grabbed the chance to study abroad and didn't look back. 她抓住了出国留学的机会,没有回头。

There's a good chance for you to win the scholarship if you perform well in the exam. 如果你考试表现得好,你赢得奖学金的机会很大。

165、chance of doing sth 做 某事的可能性

There's a slim chance of finding the lost item, but we'll still try. 找到丢失物品的可能性很小,但我们还是会尝试。

She has a good chance of passing the exam if she studies hard. 如果她努力学习,她通过考试的可能性很大。

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