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166、by chance 碰巧;意外地We met by chance in the park. 我们在公园里碰巧遇到了。By chance, I found the lost letter in the mailbox. 我碰巧在邮箱里找到了那封丢失的信。

166、by chance 碰巧;意外地

We met by chance in the park. 我们在公园里碰巧遇到了。

By chance, I found the lost letter in the mailbox. 我碰巧在邮箱里找到了那封丢失的信。

167、change from ... to / into … 从…… 变成……

She changed her hairstyle from blonde to brunette. 她把金发变成了棕发。

The weather changed from sunny into cloudy. 天气从晴朗变成了多云。

168、change ... into / to … 把……变成……

The alchemist tried to change lead into gold. 炼金术士试图把铅变成金子。

The artist changed the canvas into a beautiful painting. 艺术家把画布变成了一幅美丽的画。

169、change sth with sb 与某人交换某物

Can I change this book with you for the one you have? 我能和你交换这本书吗?

Let's change seats with each other. 我们互换座位吧。

170、change … for … 用……交换……

He changed his old car for a new bicycle. 他用旧汽车换了一辆新自行车。

She changed her gold necklace for a diamond ring. 她用金项链换了一枚钻石戒指。

171、check in at 在旅馆、机场等 登记;报到

We need to check in at the hotel before we can go to our room. 我们需要在去房间之前先在酒店登记。

Don't forget to check in at the airport before your flight. 在飞机起飞前别忘了在机场报到。

172、check into 登记入住 旅馆或私立医院

We checked into the hotel late last night. 我们昨晚很晚才入住酒店。

They decided to check into the hospital for further examination. 他们决定住院进行进一步检查。

173、check out 调查;核实;结账离开

The police are checking out the reports of the strange noises. 警察正在调查奇怪的噪音报告。

Don't forget to check out before you leave the hotel. 离开酒店前别忘了结账。

174、cheer up 使 振作起来; 使 高兴起来

Try to cheer up, it's not that bad. 试着振作起来,事情没有那么糟。

His words cheered her up immediately. 他的话立刻让她振作起来。

175、have no choice but to do sth 别无选择 只好做某事

I had no choice but to accept the job offer. 我别无选择,只好接受这份工作。

She had no choice but to cancel the plans due to the emergency. 由于紧急情况,她别无选择,只好取消计划。

176、make a choice 作选择

It's time to make a choice about your future. 是时候为你的未来做出选择了。

You have to make a choice between staying or leaving. 你必须选择是留下还是离开。

177、choose from 从……挑选

Choose from a variety of colors for your new car. 为你的新车从各种颜色中挑选。

You can choose from three different menus for dinner. 晚餐你可以从三个不同的菜单中挑选。

178、choose to do sth 选择做某事

She chose to study abroad instead of staying in her hometown. 她选择出国留学,而不是留在家乡。

He chose to quit his job and start his own business. 他选择辞职并开始自己的事业。

179、choose sb as / for / to be 把某人选作……

They chose him as the new president of the company. 他们选他做公司的新总裁。

She was chosen for the role of the lead actress in the movie. 她被选为这部电影的女主角。

180、go to the cinema 去电影院

Let's go to the cinema this weekend, there's a great movie on. 这个周末我们去电影院吧,有一部很棒的电影上映。

Do you often go to the cinema with your friends? 你经常和朋友一起去电影院吗?

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