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181、have a class 上课The students are having a class now. 学生们现在正在上课。We have a class every Tuesday afternoon. 我们每周二下午都有一节课。182、in / after class 课上 / 课下They usually discuss homework in class. 他们通常在课堂上讨论家庭作业。Aft

181、have a class 上课

The students are having a class now. 学生们现在正在上课。

We have a class every Tuesday afternoon. 我们每周二下午都有一节课。

182、in / after class 课上 / 课下

They usually discuss homework in class. 他们通常在课堂上讨论家庭作业。

After class, we often go to the playground to play. 课后,我们经常去操场玩。

183、clean up 把…… 打扫干净

Please clean up your room. It's a mess. 请把你的房间打扫干净。太乱了。

We cleaned up the park after the picnic. 野餐后我们打扫了公园。

184、clear up 天气 转晴;清理

The weather cleared up in the afternoon. 下午天气转晴了。

They cleared up the mess in the kitchen. 他们清理了厨房里的杂物。

185、close down 关闭;停业

The restaurant closed down due to poor business. 由于生意不好,餐厅停业了。

The government decided to close down the polluting factory. 政府决定关闭那家污染的工厂。

186、be close to 靠近……

The park is close to my house. 公园离我家很近。

The school is close to the library. 学校离图书馆很近。

187、be close to doing sth 几乎就要做某事

She was close to crying when she heard the news. 她听到这个消息时几乎要哭了。

He was close to finishing his project, but then he got sick. 他几乎要完成他的项目了,但他病了。

188、come to do sth 来做某事

She came to see me yesterday. 她昨天来看我了。

They came to help us with the project. 他们来帮助我们完成这个项目。

189、come across 偶然遇到;碰见

I came across an old friend in the shopping mall. 我在购物中心偶然遇到了一个老朋友。

While traveling, we often come across interesting places. 在旅行中,我们经常遇到有趣的地方。

190、come along 跟着来;出现

Come along, we're going to the zoo. 一起来吧,我们要去动物园。

Don't worry, help will come along soon. 别担心,帮助很快就会到来。

191、come back 回来

When will you come back from your trip? 你什么时候从旅行中回来?

He promised to come back before midnight. 他承诺会在午夜前回来。

192、come by 顺路拜访

Feel free to come by anytime. 随时欢迎顺路拜访。

I'll come by your house after work. 我下班后顺路去你家。

193、come down 下来;下降

Can you come down from the ladder? It's unsafe. 你能从梯子上下来吗?这样很不安全。

The temperature has come down slightly today. 今天气温有所下降。

194、come from 出生于;来自;产自

She comes from a small town in France. 她来自法国的一个小镇。

This wine comes from the best vineyards in the region. 这种葡萄酒产自该地区最好的葡萄园。

195、come in 进来

Come in, please. The door is open. 请进,门是开着的。

The guests are coming in now. Please take your seats. 客人现在进来了,请入座。

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